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Cal. Ed. Code § 18881 <br />Section 18881 - Program uses <br />(a) <br />(1) Services designed to reduce adult illiteracy by providing English language literacy <br />instruction and related services to adults and youth who are not enrolled in school. A <br />participating public library may establish an adult literacy instructional program that <br />provides adult basic literacy instruction and related services. Participant learning shall be <br />evaluated on the basis of statewide guidelines established by the State Librarian. <br />(2) The public library shall do all of the following in establishing and implementing the <br />program: <br />(A) Seek community and local government awareness of and support for the program <br />and develop a local commitment of resources for the program's continuation. <br />(B) Develop cooperative relationships with other local literacy service providers and <br />participate in existing community adult literacy coalitions, in order to address the wide <br />variety of literacy needs of the community and ensure an effective utilization of <br />resources. The public library shall assist in the establishment of a community adult <br />literacy coalition if none currently exists. <br />(C) Recruit and train volunteers to provide tutoring and other services in public library <br />and other community settings. <br />(D) Certify that the local jurisdiction will provide the same level of local and private <br />fiscal support as it did in the preceding fiscal year. <br />(b) <br />(1) Services to prevent illiteracy through coordinated literacy and preliteracy services to <br />families that include illiterate adults and young children. The program shall provide <br />reading preparation services for young children in public library settings and shall instruct <br />parents in reading to their children. In addition, the program shall provide technical <br />assistance, parent support, and any resources and materials necessary for its <br />implementation. <br />(2) A public library implementing this service shall meet all of the following <br />requirements: <br />(A) Offer new services to families with young children with the goal of helping the <br />children become successful readers by increasing their general competence, self- <br />confidence, and positive emotional associations with reading as a family experience and <br />familiarity with the lifelong use of library resources. Recruitment of parents not <br />previously included in public library literacy programs is a high priority. <br />The California Library Literacy and English Acquisition Services Program for public libraries <br />may be used for any of the following: <br />1