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File Number: 23-449 <br />staff negotiated with Rubicon to finalize the proposed agreement. <br />Analysis <br />Base services in the contract includes median maintenance and weed abatement services at <br />95 distinct locations throughout the City as noted in Attachment C - Compensation. Weed <br />abatement in other locations is provided, on a per request basis with pricing included in the <br />Extra Services section of the compensation schedule. <br />If authorized, the contractor will provide service effective December 1, 2023 through June 30, <br />2025 for the monthly bid price of $22,979.33 plus an additional $3,333.33 for additional weed <br />abatement services. Annual adjustments for cost increases were made a part of the pricing <br />proposals to lock in agreed upon increases over the 5 years of the agreement, and to be able <br />to compare pricing based on the 5-year total. The following adjustments are a part of the <br />pricing: <br />July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026 6.4% <br />July 1, 2026 - June 30, 2027 5% <br />July 1, 2027 - June 30, 2028 5% <br />July 1, 2028 - June 30, 2029 5% <br />The contract will extend through June 30, 2029, with the option for the City to extend the <br />contract annually for two additional one-year terms by contract amendment. <br />Because of the length of the agreement term (5 years) and uncertainties as to additional <br />areas and/or services that the City may request during those five years, a contingency amount <br />of 2.5% is also included in the not-no-exceed amount. The contingency will only be used and <br />authorized if a) authorized in writing by City staff; b) available funding in the operating budget; <br />and c) issuance of a purchase order to cover that amount. This provides flexibility for staff <br />and eliminates the need to amend the contract for these amounts of the 5-year term of the <br />agreement. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The Non-Professional Services Agreement will cost $188,210.00 for fiscal year 2023-2024 <br />and $322,645.76 for fiscal year 2024-2025. The service is included in the Council approved <br />budget for both fiscal years in account 010-33-052-5340, but there is a budget shortfall of <br />$81,290.06 in the FY 2023-2024 and $122,645.79 in FY 2024-2025. This Council action will <br />appropriate these amounts from the General Fund undesignated fund balance to fund the <br />agreement for the current biennial budget. <br />Costs for the remaining fiscal years affected by the agreement will require Council <br />appropriation as part of actions to be undertaken through subsequent biennial budget <br />processes. <br />Anticipated costs for the full 5-year contract with adjustments and the 2.5% contingency are <br />as follows: <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/21/2023