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5F Consent
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3/21/2024 5:56:02 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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LocationDescriptionSpecial Instructions/Exceptions to Baseline. Work also includes Baseline Maintenance ServicesMonthly Price* Annual CostL1 Benedict Dr. Trim ivy on fence from Estudillo Ave to View Dr. Keep area between fence and curb free of overgrowth and weeds on a minimum quarterly basis. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 39.48 $473.76L2 Benedict Dr. From San Leandro Creek south Estudillo Ave, both sides of street and Cement Island at the intersection.Keep area between fence and curb free of overgrowth and weeds on a minimum quarterly basis. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 39.48 $473.76L3 Benedict Dr. From Estudillo Ave to Scenicview Dr, west side of the street along the fence line.Keep area between fence and curb free of overgrowth and weeds on a minimum quarterly basis. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 39.48 $473.76L4 Benedict Dr. From Montrose Dr south city border (entrance to Hillcrest Knolls) at speed hump.Keep area between fence and curb free of overgrowth and weeds on a minimum quarterly basis. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 39.48 $473.76L5 Bermuda Way Lift station and parking strip at the west end of the street. 1668 sq. ft.Service is required quarterly at a minimum. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 19.74 $236.88L6 Blossom Way Trim roses and other plants, and remove weeds in median between Bancroft Avenue and E. 14th.Service is required quarterly at a minimum. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 39.48 $473.76L7 Broadmoor Bl Median at southwest corner of Broadmoor Blvd at Bancroft Ave $ 128.36 $1,540.32L8 Broadmoor Bl Two (2) medians, one on the north side and one on the south side of the intersection of Broadmoor Blvd and Breed AveNo irrigation $ 128.36 $1,540.32L9 Callan Ave All landscaping in parking lot behind Santos Robinson Mortuary, between 151 Callan and Parking Garage $ 128.36 $1,540.32L10 Davis St Medians from E. 14th Street to Maltester/Polvorosa overcrossingWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 128.36 $1,540.32L11 Davis St Landscaped areas on north side of street from Douglas Dr to crosswalk at I-880 N onramp.Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 128.36 $1,540.32L12 Davis St Landscaped areas south side of street from Wayne Ave to Pierce Ave; frontage road, median, landscaped area from Pierce Ave to Gilmore Ave; alley to Gardner BlWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 256.62 $3,079.44L13 Davis St Trim ivy on walls on north side of street from Douglas Dr to crosswalk at I-880 N onramp, south side of street from Wayne to backflow device west of Gilmore Ave, north side of SB I-880 off ramp west to Warden AveService is required quarterly at a minimum $ 39.48 $473.76L14 Davis St Costco Area: Landscaping and turf on northwest corner of Warden Ave and Davis St. “Davis West” sign to be kept clear of ivyWeekly Trash and Debris removal $ 256.62 $3,079.44L15 Davis St Frontage road on the south side of the Maltester/Polvorosa overcrossing, including turf and landscaped areas west to Beecher St. Weekly Trash and Debris removal $ 256.62 $3,079.44L16 Davis St Davis Street - City Property at 2512 Davis St. 8880 Sq. Ft. Service is required quarterly at a minimum. No irrigation. No baseline services. $ 19.74 $236.88L17 Doolittle Dr Median from W. Ave. 135th south to Flood Control canal - no irrigationNo irrigation $ 513.19 $6,158.28WORK LOCATIONS AND COST PROPOSALThere are technical specifications in the RFP for the baseline maintenance requirements. In addition, there are exceptions and special instructions required in addition to the baseline maintenance services. Unless otherwise specified as an Exception, service frequency must be sufficient to meet the maintenance standards and technical specifications. *All services regardless of frequency or contractor scheduling are presented by the Contractor, and paid by the City, as a Monthly Price*Attachment C - Compensation
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