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October 2, 2023City Council Minutes <br />CONSENT CALENDAR5. <br />Approval of the Consent Agenda <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Aguilar, Jr., seconded by <br />Councilmember Simon, to Approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried <br />by the following vote. <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Azevedo, Ballew, Simon, González III, Reynes, Bowen7 - <br />5.a.23-436 Adopt Two Resolutions 1. Amend the San Leandro Management <br />Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule; and <br />2. Adopt a Resolution to Authorize Changes to the Adopted Budget <br />Staffing Allocation <br />This matter was Adopt the Consent Calendar <br />Enactment No: 2023-135 <br />2023-136 <br />5.b.23-370 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to <br />Award a Construction Contract to Eaton Drilling Company, LLC in the <br />amount of $312,930 for the Washington Manor Park Irrigation Well, <br />Project No. 2022.3060; to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate <br />and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 10% of the Original <br />Contract Amount ($31,293); and to Authorize the City Manager to <br />Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Change Orders up to 25% of the <br />Original Contract Amount ($78,233) <br />Received and Filed on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: 2023-137 <br />5.c.23-437 Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to <br />Establish a Capital Reserve of $126,923 for the Exclusive Use of the <br />East Bay Dischargers Authority for Emergency Repairs <br />Received and Filed on the Consent Calendar. <br />Enactment No: 2023-138 <br />5.d.23-450 Minutes from September 6, 2023 Facilities and Transportation <br />Committee <br />Approved as Submitted on the Consent Calendar. <br />5.e.23-460 Minutes from September 18, 2023 City Council Meeting <br />Approved as Submitted on the Consent Calendar. <br />ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR6. <br />Page 2City of San Leandro DRAFT