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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 6 <br />the off-site migration of contaminants from the site. These measures and practices may include, but are not <br />limited to: <br /> <br />• Stockpile management including stormwater pollution prevention and the installation of BMPs <br />• Proper disposal procedures of contaminated materials <br />• Monitoring and reporting <br />• A health and safety plan for contractors working at the site that addresses the safety and health hazards <br />of each phase of site construction activities with the requirements and procedures for employee <br />protection. <br />• The City shall review and approve the development site plans for prior to ground disturbing or <br />construction activities. Recommendations listed within the SMP shall be implemented as indicated prior to <br />(preparation of the SMP) and during (adherence to the SMP) construction of the proposed project. <br /> <br />7. TCR-1: Unanticipated Discovery of Tribal Cultural Resources - In the event that cultural resources of Native <br />American origin are identified during project construction, all earth-disturbing work within 50 feet of the find <br />shall be temporarily suspended or redirected until an archaeologist has evaluated the nature and significance <br />of the find as a cultural resource and an appropriate local Native American representative is consulted. If the <br />City, in consultation with local Native American tribes, determines that the resource is a tribal cultural <br />resource and thus significant under CEQA, a mitigation plan shall be prepared and implemented in accordance <br />with state guidelines and in consultation with local Native American group(s). The plan shall include avoidance <br />of the resource or, if avoidance of the resource is infeasible, the plan shall outline the appropriate treatment <br />of the resource in coordination with the appropriate local Native American tribal representative and, if <br />applicable, a qualified archaeologist. The plan shall include measures to ensure the find is treated in a manner <br />that respectfully retains, to the degree feasible, the qualities that render the resource of significance to the <br />local Native American group(s). Examples of appropriate mitigation for tribal cultural resources include, but <br />are not limited to, protecting the cultural character and integrity of the resource, protecting traditional use of <br />the resource, protecting the confidentiality of the resource, or heritage recovery. <br /> <br />8. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. All mitigation measures identified in the adopted Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration shall be included and are hereby incorporated as Conditions of Approval. Said mitigation <br />measures are listed in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and the developer shall comply with <br />and implement all provisions of said Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The applicant shall <br />provide a copy of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program to all construction contractors prior to <br />commencement with demolition of the property. The developer shall be responsible for compensating the <br />City of San Leandro for costs associated with the enforcement and monitoring of the required mitigation <br />measures prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> <br />PLANNING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />9. Compliance with Approved Plans. The Project shall comply with Exhibit C, Project Plan, except as <br />hereinafter modified. Exhibits are on file at the City of San Leandro, Community Development Department <br />located at 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, California, 94577. <br /> <br />10. Successors in Interest. The Applicant and/or Property Owner shall be responsible for assuring that any <br />successor in interest who assumes responsibility for this approval is informed of its terms and conditions. <br /> DRAFT