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10A Public Hearings
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12/26/2023 3:17:10 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
\City Clerk\City Council\Ordinances\2023
Reso 23-169 Reso 2022 - PLN21-0031 SPR, CUP, Adm Exception
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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 8 <br />20. Revocation. The City shall maintain the ability to revoke this Conditional Use Permit and set a new public <br />hearing date in order to impose additional conditions to correct problems that may arise such as property <br />maintenance and related Code violations and excessive nuisance related responses from code <br />enforcement. <br /> <br />21. Notations to Conditions of Approval. Prior to permit issuance, the Applicant/Property Owner shall include <br />notations to the conditions of approval and clearly indicate how all conditions of approval will be or have <br />been complied with, A reference shall be provided to specific plan sheets that demonstrate compliance. <br />Construction plans shall not be accepted without the annotated final conditions of approval document. <br /> <br />22. Signage. All signage shall conform to the regulations in Chapter 4.12 of the Zoning Code for the <br />development. Neon signs and flashing signs are prohibited, including those placed in windows. All signs <br />shall be well maintained at all times. Any damaged signs shall be promptly repaired or replaced. Window <br />signs, whether painted or adhered to the glass or within eight feet of the window excluding merchandise <br />display, shall be no larger than twenty-five percent of the window in which they are located. No temporary <br />or unauthorized signs including but not limited to including but not limited to banners, balloons, <br />streamers, and pennants, shall be placed on the property, unless approved by the City under a Temporary <br />Sign Permit or Special Event Permit. The use of spotlights, feather signs, animated or inflatable signs, <br />balloons, and lasers shall be prohibited at all times. <br /> <br />23. Screened Mechanical Equipment. All exterior mechanical equipment such as air conditioning/heating <br />units, emergency generators, wireless antennas and exhaust systems shall be located such that they will <br />not be visible from any public-rights-of-way. Alternatively, they shall be screened or enclosed from view so <br />as not to be visible from any public-rights-of-way. Screening shall be to the satisfaction of the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official. <br /> <br />24. Screened Utilities. All electrical, gas, and water meters shall be located such that they will not be visible <br />from any public-rights-of-way. Alternatively, they shall be screened or enclosed from view so as not to be <br />visible from any public-rights-of-way. Screening shall be to the satisfaction of the Zoning Enforcement <br />Official. <br /> <br />25. Screened Appurtenances. The Applicant/Property Owner shall subsurface all new transformers, switching <br />boxes, and similar appurtenances, or shall screen them by locating them in an enclosure with walls <br />matching the material and color of the nearest building. The enclosures shall include gates of heavy gauge <br />corrugated steel and shall be surrounded by trees, shrubs and climbing vines. The Applicant/Property <br />Owner shall arrange the location and treatment of the appurtenances with the gas, electric and <br />communication providers prior to the approval of building permit(s) for vertical construction. A detail of <br />the transformer screening shall be included on the improvement plans submitted for review and approval <br />by the City. <br /> <br />26. Backflow Prevention Devices. Backflow prevention devices shall be installed on all new and existing <br />domestic, commercial, irrigation, and fire water services and as required by the East Bay Municipal Utility <br />District (EBMUD). The location of water service and backflow devices shall be subject to review and <br />approval by EBMUD and the City. Devices shall be screened from public view by landscaping or other <br />approved methods in the area in which the device is located. Landscaping shall blend with surrounding DRAFT
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