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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 10 <br />to ensure that loading and delivery activities are in compliance during the City’s established quiet hours <br />and do not pose a public nuisance during other times. The use of a spotter, rear cameras and/or radar is <br />recommended over audible signals for all service and delivery vehicles. <br /> <br />36. Vibrations. No use, activity, or process shall produce vibrations that are perceptible without instruments <br />by a reasonable person at the property lines of a site. <br /> <br />37. Dust. No use, process, or activity shall produce dust that is perceptible without instruments by a <br />reasonable person at the property lines of a site. <br /> <br />Indemnification <br /> <br />38. The Applicant/Property Owner hereby agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of San <br />Leandro, its Council, boards, commissions, officers, employees and agents, from and against any and all <br />claims, suits, actions, liability, loss, damage, expense, cost (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, <br />costs and fees of litigation) of every nature, kind or description, which may be brought by a third party <br />against, or suffered or sustained by, the City of San Leandro, its Council, boards, commissions, officers, <br />employees or agents to challenge or void the permit granted herein or any California Environmental <br />Quality Act determinations related thereto. <br /> <br />39. In the event that any person should bring an action to attack, set aside, void or annul the City’s approval of <br />this Project, the Applicant/Property Owner shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and/or its <br />agents, officers and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City and/or its agents, <br />officers and employees with counsel selected by the Applicant/Property Owner (which shall be the same <br />counsel used by Applicant/Property Owner) and reasonably approved by the City. Applicant/Property <br />Owner’s obligation to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and/or its agents, officers and <br />employees shall be subject to the City’s compliance with Government Code Section 66474.9. <br /> <br />Additional Submittals <br /> <br />40. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant/Property Owner <br />shall submit Final Landscape and Irrigation Plans for the review and approval of the Community <br />Development Director. The plans shall document compliance with applicable Zoning Code requirements, <br />including minimum soil depths, and shall include details such as: 1) tree size, species and location; 2) <br />shrubs and groundcover size, species, and location; 3) installation specifications, including tree staking; 4) <br />irrigation details; 5) water conservation techniques; and 6) maintenance programs. Final landscape and <br />irrigation plans shall be prepared and certified by a California licensed landscape architect and shall <br />conform to the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) as updated by the State of California <br />Department of Water Resources. At the discretion of the City, the landscape plan may be reviewed by a <br />consulting landscape architect, the cost of which shall be the responsibility of the Applicant/Property <br />Owner. <br />a. A minimum of one 24-inch box size or greater tree shall be planted per 25 linear feet of landscape <br />area. Tree grates shall be used for trees located in hardscape areas. <br />b. Shrubs shall be a container size of five gallons or greater at planting and planted at spacing distances <br />appropriate for the plant species. DRAFT