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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 11 <br />c. Landscaped areas that are not planted with trees or shrubs shall be planted with groundcover plants. <br />Mulch (as a ground cover) shall be confined to areas underneath plants and is not a substitute for <br />ground cover plants. <br />d. Groundcover plants other than grasses shall be four-inch pot size or greater and planted at spacing <br />distances appropriate for the plant species. <br />e. Groundcover plants shall be planted at a density that will cover the entire area within two years. <br />f. Street trees proposed in the Public Rights-of-Way shall be from the approved street tree list published <br />by the City of San Leandro Public Works Department, subject to the approval of the Public Works <br />Director. The Applicant/Property owner shall provide irrigation to the street trees. <br /> <br />41. Lighting. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant/Property Owner shall submit final plans and <br />details for site lighting, including submittal of a photometric study, for the review and approval of the <br />Community Development Director and City Engineer <br />a. All on-site lighting shall conform to the Code requirements in effect at the time of building permit <br />submittal. <br />b. The plans and details shall show location, height, decorative features, and construction details showing <br />materials and finishes to be used for construction. <br />c. Fixtures on buildings shall be attached only to walls or eaves, and the top of the fixture shall not <br />exceed the height of the parapet or roof or eave of roof. <br /> <br />42. Lot Merger. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Applicant/Property owner shall apply for a Lot <br />Line Adjustment to merge the seven parcels into one parcel and record the map of the merger. <br /> <br />43. Materials and Colors. The applicant/property owner shall submit a final materials and colors board at the <br />time of building permit submittal for the review and approval of the Community Development Director. <br /> <br />44. Improvements Installed Prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Prior to the issuance of any Certificate of <br />Occupancy on the property, the improvements outlined above shall be completely installed to the <br />satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the City Engineer. <br /> <br />Parking Lot Management <br /> <br />45. Parking Lot Maintenance. The Property Owner or building manager shall regularly maintain the parking <br />areas and shall be responsible for the prompt clean up and removal of litter, oil stains and spilled vehicle <br />fluids. Parking areas shall be well maintained and kept free of litter and debris at all times. Any parking lifts <br />shall be regularly maintained and in operable condition to ensure optimal vehicle capacity. <br /> <br />46. Loading and Unloading. Loading areas shall be identified on all plans submitted for building permit <br />issuance and shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director and the City <br />Engineer. <br /> <br />47. Delivery and Moving Trucks. Deliveries and moving trucks shall not load or unload from the public right-of- <br />way without prior approval of an encroachment permit. Loading and unloading shall not obstruct the flow <br />of traffic on surrounding streets. <br /> <br /> DRAFT