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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 14 <br />include a geotechnical structural plan review approval letter from a qualified geotechnical engineer or <br />other qualified individual. <br /> <br />62. Prior to issuance of demolition or grading permit, the applicant or designee shall submit a PCB <br />(polychlorinated biphenyls) Report prepared by a qualified professional for review and approval by the City <br />of San Leandro Building Official and/or their designee. <br /> <br />63. In conformance with state and local laws, a visual inspection/pre-demolition survey, and possible <br />sampling, shall be conducted prior to the demolition of on-site building(s) to determine the presence of <br />asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and/or lead based paint and materials (LBP). The applicant and/or <br />designee shall provide a report prepared by a qualified professional of the inspection/pre-demolition <br />survey, and/or sampling findings to the City of San Leandro Building Official or their designee for review <br />and approval. <br /> <br />64. During demolition activities, all building materials containing LBP shall be removed in accordance with <br />Cal/OSHA Lead in Title 8, California Code of Regulations (CCR), Section 1532.1, including employee training, <br />employee air monitoring, and dust control. Any debris or soil containing LBP or coatings shall be disposed <br />of at landfills that meet acceptance criteria for the type of lead being disposed. <br /> <br />65. All potentially friable ACMs shall be removed in accordance with National Emission Standards for <br />Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) guidelines prior to demolition or renovation activities that may disturb <br />ACMs. All demolition activities shall be undertaken in accordance with Cal/OSHA standards contained in <br />Title 8, CCR, Section 1529, to protect workers from asbestos exposure. <br /> <br />66. A registered asbestos abatement contractor shall be retained to remove and dispose of ACMs identified in <br />the asbestos survey performed for the site in accordance with the standards stated above. <br /> <br />67. Materials containing more than one-percent asbestos are also subject to BAAQMD regulations. Removal of <br />materials containing more than one-percent asbestos shall be completed in accordance with BAAQMD <br />requirements and notifications. <br /> <br />68. Prior to issuance of demolition or grading permit, whichever is first, the applicant or designee shall provide <br />to the City of San Leandro Building Official or their designee, approval from the Bay Area Air Quality <br />Management District (BAAQMD) for the demolition of existing structures. The BAAQMD approval shall <br />include a BAAQMD J# for the demolition of structures onsite. <br /> <br />69. The Applicant/Property Owner shall demonstrate the following on plans submitted for permit issuance: <br />a. All submittals shall include required Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) plans. No deferred <br />MEP’s is allowed. <br />b. The Project shall meet the requirements of Title 24 for all new equipment and any new or upgraded <br />mechanical, electrical, and plumbing equipment. <br />c. All demolition and construction shall adhere to the requirements of CALGreen. <br />d. The project shall meet the requirements in CALGreen’s Non-Residential Mandatory Measures <br />Checklist. <br />e. The Project shall provide van and standard accessible parking stalls, with signage and stripping. DRAFT