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10A Public Hearings
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12/26/2023 3:17:10 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Ord 2023-012 Ord 2022- PLN21-0031 Rezoning
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Reso 23-169 Reso 2022 - PLN21-0031 SPR, CUP, Adm Exception
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RESOLUTION NO. 2023-XXX 18 <br />e. Interior floor drains (if any) shall not be connected to the storm drain system. <br />f. The property shall be swept regularly to minimize the accumulation of litter and debris. Loaded trucks <br />entering or exiting the site must have their loads covered with tarps to prevent debris from escaping. <br />g. Air conditioning condensate shall be directed to landscaped areas. Any air conditioning condensate <br />that discharges to land without flowing to a storm drain may be subject to the requirements of the <br />State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWRCB) Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements <br />(WDRs) for Discharges to Land with a Low Threat to Water Quality. <br />h. Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff, promote surface infiltration where <br />appropriate, and minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to storm water <br />pollution. <br />i. Where feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat storm water runoff by <br />incorporating elements that collect, detain, and infiltrate runoff. In areas that provide detention of <br />water, plans that are tolerant of saturated soil conditions and prolonged exposure to water shall be <br />specified. <br />j. Plant materials selected shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics such as soil type, <br />topography, climate, amount and timing of sunlight, prevailing winds, rainfall, air movement, patterns <br />of land use, ecological consistency and plant interactions to ensure successful establishment. <br />k. Selection of the plants that will require minimal pesticide use. <br />l. Irrigation shall be appropriate to the water requirements of the selected plants. <br />m. The applicant shall select pest and disease resistant plants. <br />n. The applicant shall plant a diversity of species to prevent a potential pest infestation from affecting the <br />entire landscaping plan. <br />o. The applicant shall plan insectary plants in the landscaping to attract and keep beneficial insects. <br /> <br />95. The applicant shall submit a Geotechnical Investigation Report and shall incorporate all recommendations <br />into the design. The City reserves the right to offer additional comments once the final investigation is <br />submitted. Said geotechnical investigation shall be submitted for review before Conditions of Approval are <br />drafted for the project. <br /> <br />96. The applicant shall submit photometric site plan. <br /> <br />97. The City’s traffic impact fee program is called “Development Fee for Street Improvements” (DFSI). <br />According to the adopted 2021-22 Fee Schedule, the rate for “General Industrial” is $1.40 per gross <br />building square foot with an equivalent credit offered for the prior use. Assuming 52,269 SF of proposed <br />building square footage and 7,758 SF of existing building “General Industrial” use in 14273 Washington <br />Avenue (from tax assessor records), the net square footage will be 44,511 SF. Credit for the existing 2 units <br />in 14143 and 14173 Washington Avenue for “General Residential” is $3,135.12. Thus, the DFSI fee will be <br />$59,180.28 which is due prior to issuance of the building permit. This fee is subject to change each fiscal <br />year. <br /> <br />98. Washington Avenue is in the City’s adopted Underground Utility District Master Plan, as such an in-lieu fee <br />is required in the amount of $207,617.58 which is calculated at $411.12 per linear foot frontage (505 LF <br />project frontage length per assessor’s map 77B). This undergrounding overhead utility conversion fee is <br />due at the time of Building Permit issuance. This fee is subject to change at the beginning of each fiscal <br />year. <br /> DRAFT
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