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File Number: 23-539 <br />The City of San Leandro received $124,045 in grant funding from CalRecycle in 2021 to <br />support SB 1383 implementation and compliance. Grant funds were expended in fiscal year <br />2021-2022 through fiscal year 2022-2023 to create educational materials for organic waste <br />generators, provide outreach to multi-family properties and commercial businesses on SB <br />1383 requirements, purchase countertop kitchen pails, and acquire a subscription to <br />Recyclist, a software database that assists with SB 1383 recordkeeping and reporting <br />requirements. <br />CalRecycle is administering a second round of Local Assistance grant funding to further <br />support the implementation of these robust regulations adopted by CalRecycle pursuant to <br />Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016 and SB170 Budget Act of 2021. This second round of funding <br />is a non-competitive grant program for local jurisdictions to assist with the implementation of <br />the regulatory requirements associated with SB 1383, including but not limited to: <br />·Collection <br />·Edible Food Recovery <br />·Education and outreach (includes organic waste & edible food recovery) <br />·Enforcement and Inspection <br />·Program Evaluation/Gap Analysis <br />·Procurement Requirements <br />·Record Keeping <br />Analysis <br />Under this authorization, the City of San Leandro will apply for additional funding from <br />CalRecycle to support the City’s SB 1383 compliance. Grant funds will be utilized to secure a <br />consultant that will help identify any remaining SB 1383 compliance gaps , create a robust SB <br />1383 implementation plan to address the identified gaps, improve record keeping and <br />reporting protocols , establish the City’s Implementation Record, establish best practices for <br />monitoring SB 1383 compliance activities designated to the City’s franchise collector, analyze <br />options to meet SB 1383’s recovered organic product procurement requirements, and assist <br />with the implementation of SB 1383-compliant Construction and Demolition programs and <br />Environmentally Preferred Purchasing policies. <br /> <br />Grant funds will be used to develop implementation processes, monitoring protocols, and <br />strategic plans to enable staff to meet SB1383 requirements. Future grant funds will be used <br />to enhance current programs and may be directed towards developing SB 1383 enforcement <br />plans which will include training of staff conducting enforcement activities and developing best <br />management practices. <br />Moving forward with the grant will not only help the City meet its state-mandated <br />requirements, but also help reach its Climate Action Plan goals on emissions reduction and <br />waste management. Methane has four times the amount of impact on emissions than CO2 <br />and reducing organic waste disposal is one step to limiting methane. Furthermore, <br />encouraging better consumption habits will encourage resource conservation, water savings, <br />and healthier environments. <br />CalRecycle could potentially fine jurisdictions from $500 to $10,000 per day for <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/21/2023