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(h) The City Clerk's office shall maintain, for a period of at least ten (10) years commencing from the <br />date filed, a secured, official version of each online or electronic statement which shall serve as the official <br />version of that record for purpose of audits. <br />1-2-115 TITLE OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR, CITY ENGINEER, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS, ET AL. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office or personage of a public works director, city engineer, superintendent of <br />streets or the like, either by the general laws of the State of California, by the Charter of the City of San <br />Leandro, by this Code or by any administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, <br />the City Manager or the City Manager's designee shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation or <br />liability and shall be fully vested with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or <br />perform such function, power, obligation or liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign an officer or <br />officers of the City to the duties of a public works director, city engineer and superintendent of streets and <br />such officers shall possess the requisite licenses, registrations and qualifications for such duties. For the <br />authentication and certification of official acts, documents, records and maps, the assigned officers shall use <br />the seal, title and emoluments, if any, of the office of a public works director, city engineer or superintendent <br />of streets to the extent required by law. As used herein, "Public Works Director" shall mean "Public Works <br />Director," as appropriate to the text. <br />1-2-120 CITY TREASURER FUNCTION. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office or personage of a City Treasurer either by the general laws of the State of <br />California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code or by any administrative rules, regulations, <br />custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, the City Manager's designee to perform the duties of the City <br />Finance Director shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation or liability and shall be fully vested with <br />the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform such function, power, obligation or <br />liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign the Finance Director of the City to the duties of a City <br />Treasurer, and the Finance Director shall possess the requisite qualifications for such duties. For the <br />authentication and certification of official acts, documents and records, the Finance Director shall use the seal, <br />title and emoluments, if any, of the office of City Treasurer to the extent required by law. <br />1-2-125 FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office of the Community Development Department, either by the general laws of <br />the State of California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code, by an uncodified ordinance or <br />by any administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, the City Manager or the <br />City Manager's designee shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation or be subject to such liability <br />and shall be fully vested with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform such <br />function, power, obligation or incur such liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign officers of the City <br />to the duties of the Community Development Director and such officers shall possess the requisite licenses, <br />registrations and qualifications for such duties. For the authentication and certification of official acts, <br />documents, records and maps, the assigned officers shall use the seal, title and emoluments, if any, of their <br />