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1-2-130 FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office of the Human Services Director, either by the general laws of the State of <br />California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code, by an uncodified ordinance or by any <br />administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, the City Manager or the City <br />Manager's designee shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation, or be subject to such liability and <br />shall be fully vested with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform such <br />function, power, obligation, or incur such liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign officers of the City <br />to the duties of the Human Services Director and such officers shall possess the requisite licenses, registrations <br />and qualifications for such duties. For the authentication and certification of official acts, documents, records <br />and maps, the assigned officers shall use the seal, title and emoluments, if any, of their respective offices. <br />1-2-131 FUNCTIONS OF RECREATION AND PARKS DEPARTMENT. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office of the Recreation and Parks Director, either by the general laws of the State <br />of California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code, by an uncodified ordinance or by any <br />administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, the City Manager or the City <br />Manager's designee shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation or be subject to such liability and <br />shall be fully vested with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform such <br />function, power, obligation or incur such liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign officers of the City <br />to the duties of the Recreation and Parks Director and such officers shall possess the requisite licenses, <br />registrations and qualifications for such duties. For the authentication and certification of official acts, <br />documents, records and maps, the assigned officers shall use the seal, title and emoluments, if any, of their <br />respective offices. <br />1-2-132 FUNCTIONS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT. <br />Notwithstanding the provisions of this Code to the contrary, whenever a function, power, obligation or <br />liability is imposed upon the office of the Chief Technology Officer, either by the general laws of the State of <br />California, by the Charter of the City of San Leandro, by this Code, by an uncodified ordinance or by any <br />administrative rules, regulations, custom or practice of the City of San Leandro, the City Manager or the City <br />Manager's designee shall have or exercise such function, power, obligation or be subject to such liability and <br />shall be fully vested with the requisite legal authority and exclusive responsibility to have or perform such <br />function, power, obligation or incur such liability. The City Manager shall, at all times, assign officers of the City <br />to the duties of the Chief Technology Officer and such officers shall possess the requisite licenses, registrations <br />and qualifications for such duties. For the authentication and certification of official acts, documents, records <br />and maps, the assigned officers shall use the seal, title and emoluments, if any, of their respective offices. <br />SECTION 3. CEQA. Approval of this ordinance is exempt from further environmental review under <br />the general rule in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQS) Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) that CEQA only <br />applies to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. As a mere text <br />amendment, it can been seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this ordinance will have a <br />significant effect on the environment. <br />