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December 18, 2023City Council Minutes <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Simon, seconded by Councilmember <br />Aguilar, Jr., that both ordinances be Approved. The motion CARRIED by the <br />following vote: <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Azevedo, Simon, González III, Bowen5 - <br />Nay:Ballew1 - <br />Absent:Reynes1 - <br />Enactment No: Ord 2023-014 & Ord 2023-015 <br />13.b.23-614 Adopt Two Resolutions: <br />1. Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement <br />with Axon Enterprises, Inc. for the Purchase of up to Thirty-Eight (38) <br />Axon Fleet 3 Mobile Audio and Video Cameras with Automatic License <br />Plate Reader Technology for Police Vehicles in an Amount <br />Not-to-Exceed $544,315.75 and to Authorize Additional Cumulative <br />Agreement Amendments Up to 10% ($54,431.58); and <br />2. Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to <br />Execute Amendment No. 1 to an Existing Consulting Services <br />Agreement With Flock Safety to Extend the Contract Term an Additional <br />Five Years from Date of Execution, Purchase and Install Forty-One (41) <br />Additional Flock Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Cameras, and <br />to Increase the Maximum Amount of Compensation by $807,150.00 for a <br />Total not to Exceed Amount of $1,057,150.00 and to Authorize <br />Additional Cumulative Agreement Amendments Up to 10% <br />($105,715.00) <br />Comments were made by approximately 16 people. <br />A motion was made by Councilmember Simon, seconded by Councilmember <br />Aguilar, Jr., that both resolutions be Approved. The motion CARRIED by the <br />following vote: <br />Aye:Aguilar Jr., Azevedo, Ballew, Simon, González III, Bowen6 - <br />Absent:Reynes1 - <br />Enactment No: Reso 2023-182 & Reso 2023-183 <br />COUNCIL REQUESTS TO SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEMS14. <br />By consensus, the City Council agreed to add the following items to their Council <br />Priority Discussion: a discussion on an Increase to the reward for cold case murder <br />cases from $50k to $100k <br />Vice Mayor Azevedo made a motion for an urgency ordinance with a second by CM <br />Simon to add mobilehome parks to Rent Review Board. The motion failed with a vote <br />of 3-3-1 with CMs Ballew, Bowen and Mayor Gonzalez voting no. <br />CITY COUNCIL REPORTS15. <br />Page 5City of San Leandro