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Housing Consortium of the East Bay CSA Amnd1 20240130
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Housing Consortium of the East Bay CSA Amnd1 20240130
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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<br />Amendment No. 1 to <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and HCEB 1/30/2024 <br />for Cooling/Warming Center Page 3 of 5 <br />Rules: Below is a condensed sample list of rules that PROVIDER will communicate to and enforces with guests: <br />To keep order in the Center we ask that everyone respect one another and their space: <br />1. Food and Drink: Guests are not permitted to bring outside food or drink into the building. No exceptions. <br />2. All guests will be expected to keep their area clean. <br />3. No weapons will be allowed in or on property. <br />4. No Alcohol or drugs are allowed in or around the building. No smoking in the building. The use of drugs or alcohol <br />on the property will lead to immediate eviction from property. <br />5. No abuse of staff or other guests. Threatening or violent behavior towards anyone in the building will not be <br />tolerated. Bullying of any type will not be tolerated. Noncompliance can lead to a suspension of services for up to 30 <br />days. <br />6. No viewing of inappropriate images or movies allowed on the property. <br />7. Clothing must be worn while sleeping. <br />8. No disturbing the peace. Once checked in for services, guests are expected to stay in. If a guest chooses to leave, <br />guests will not be allowed back in. <br />9. Derogatory comments regarding race, creed, color, ethnic background, religion, or sexuality will not be tolerated. <br />10. The Provider is not responsible for lost or stolen property. <br />11. One approved pet per guest is allowed. Guests are responsible for the behavior of their pet and the pet must be <br />always under the control of the guest. Leashes are required and pet must be no threat to others. If a pet’s behavior <br />disrupts Cooling Center operations or harms another guest of staff member, the guest and their pet may be asked to <br />vacate the premises. A pet’s behavior in violation of the program rules can lead to a suspension of services for up to <br />30 days. Pet owners and HCEB will be responsible for cleanup and damages. <br />12. All guests will be expected to remain law abiding. <br />13. Guests will complete brief program intake and HMIS intake forms and provide signature acknowledging they <br />understand the rules. <br />14. If guests are not satisfied with any aspect of the program operations, they are encouraged to present their <br />concerns to the HCEB Program Manager. The Program Manager will respond to all concerns on a timely basis. If the <br />guest is not satisfied with the Program Supervisor response, they can submit a formal grievance to the HCEB <br />Director of Programs for the Unhoused. The HCEB Grievance Form is attached as Exhibit B and will be provided to <br />all guests upon request. <br /> <br />III. Program Evaluation and Reporting Requirements <br />a. PROVIDER shall submit weekly reports every Friday afternoon. Weekly reports will include, at the minimum, the <br />following data elements: <br />• Number of clients served <br />• Demographic information of clients <br />• Description of services and resources provided <br />• Other information that will help in the evaluation of the program Copies of all Grievance forms. <br /> <br />b. PROVIDER shall participate in the program evaluation to help identify areas that will improve service delivery, <br />program effectiveness, and client outcomes. PROVIDER will implement program improvement strategies identified in <br />the evaluation. Evaluation criteria will include approaches identified by the PROVIDER in its response to the Request <br />for Proposal issued by the CITY. <br />c. PROVIDER shall submit a final narrative report no later than 15 days after the contract's completion. The report <br />shall include a narrative accounting of the progress achieved toward the Scope of Work. <br />d. PROVIDER shall make good faith efforts to provide other information, as requested by the City, promptly. <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 0844CC65-4CFC-4842-8D1A-6F29ED40DCBD
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