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SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />Action T-5.2.F: Improvements to Marina Boulevard and <br />Merced Street <br />Pursue funding for the widening of Marina Boulevard from <br />four to six lanes from Orchard Avenue east to Alvarado Street. <br />In addition, implement design improvements to Marina <br />Boulevard between Merced Street and the Shoreline, and to <br />Merced Street between Williams Street and Fairway Drive. <br />These improvements should create a more attractive <br />streetscape, better provisions for bicycles and pedestrians, and <br />landscaping and lighting improvements which enhance these <br />streets as major thoroughfares. <br />Policy T-5.3 Maintenance. Regularly maintain City streets and traffic <br />control devices to ensure that streets operate safely and <br />efficiently. The City will strive for an overall Pavement <br />Condition Index of 76, which is the lower limit of industry <br />best practices. <br />Action T-5.3.A: Funding for Maintenance <br />Ensure that sufficient funding is allocated to road maintenance <br />and repair during the annual municipal budgeting process. <br />Consider the use of voter-approved tax measures (such as <br />Measure HH) and other financing tools to generate revenue. <br />Policy T-5.4 Traffic Flow Improvements. Use a variety of <br />technology-driven measures to improve traffic flow at <br />congested intersections. <br />Action T-5.4.A: Traffic Monitoring and Signal Timing <br />Conduct traffic monitoring at key intersections in San Leandro. <br />Based on the monitoring data, undertake signal timing, phasing <br />projects, adaptive traffic signals, and Intelligent <br />Transportation Systems (ITS) to improve traffic flow, safety, <br />and roadway and intersection performance. <br />Policy T-5.5 East-West Circulation. Strive to improve east-west <br />circulation across San Leandro without adversely <br />impacting residential neighborhoods. Encourage signal <br />timing, signage improvements, turn lanes, and other <br />measures which improve circulation but do not involve <br />major physical changes or traffic increases on residential <br />streets.