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SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />TRANSPORTATION <br /> <br />Policy T-5.6 Railroad Crossings. Periodically evaluate the need to <br />convert existing at-grade railroad crossings to grade- <br />separated crossings. Such considerations should be based <br />on the availability of state and federal funds and the <br />volume of train and auto traffic at the crossing locations. <br />Require any future railroad overpass or underpass to be <br />attractively landscaped, with provisions for bicycles and <br />pedestrians. <br />Action T-5.6.A: Washington Avenue Underpass <br />Consider alternatives to the Washington Avenue rail <br />underpass south of San Leandro Boulevard during the design <br />and planning of the East Bay Greenway. Alternatives should <br />include the redesign of Washington Avenue as a surface <br />boulevard, with a grade-level, signalized crossing of the <br />Greenway. Washington Avenue should be enhanced as a <br />southern gateway to Downtown San Leandro. Alternatively, <br />the underpass could be retained, with a grade-separated <br />greenway and trail above. <br />Action T-5.6.B: Hesperian Washington, and Halcyon <br />Crossings <br />Study the feasibility of grade separations and other traffic safety <br />and flow improvements at the Hesperian, Washington, and <br />Halcyon crossings of the Niles subdivision of the Union Pacific <br />tracks. These crossings are located on Hesperian just north of <br />Springlake Drive, Washington just north of Chapman Road, <br />and Halcyon just east of Washington. <br />Policy T-5.7 Technology and Roadway Efficiency. Use technology, <br />including smartphone applications, roadway sensors, <br />and real time data on congestion, travel time, and parking <br />supply to create a more efficient transportation system, <br />and to maximize the benefits of the existing road system <br />before investing in its expansion. <br />Policy T-5.8 Electric and Low Emission Vehicles. Plan for a <br />substantial increase in the number of electric vehicles and <br />other low-emission or zero-emission vehicles on city <br />streets. This should include the development of electric <br />vehicle charging stations at the BART stations, in large <br />parking structures and parking lots, at City facilities