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City of City of San Leandro 2024 State Legislative Platform & Policy Guidelines Page 3 of 8 <br /> <br />for funding opportunities and infrastructure in both urban and rural areas with varying levels of <br />need, so that jurisdictions are not excluded from the benefits of better internet speeds based <br />solely on urban density or other demographics. <br />• Cannabis Regulations. Support San Leandro’s adopted regulatory programs. Support <br />administrative actions or legislation that balances the interests of the cannabis industry while <br />providing cities with the flexibility and tools to maintain local oversight, protect public safety, and <br />deter unpermitted cultivation or unlicensed cannabis-related activities. Support common sense <br />reforms to the statewide tax structure for the industry. <br />• Cellular/Wireless Infrastructure. Monitor efforts to change or restrict the ability of local <br />governments to regulate cellular infrastructure. Support efforts that speed the delivery of 5G <br />networks, while opposing legislation that unduly restricts the ability of local governments to <br />regulate aesthetics, community standards, and negotiated revenue collection. <br />• CEQA Reform. Support legislation that makes common sense reforms to the California <br />Environmental Quality Act, including the reduction in time delays or excessive litigation, while <br />ensuring pertinent environmental protections remain in place. Support efforts that would allow <br />local agencies to set criteria for traffic impact levels-of-service based upon locally adopted <br />General Plans and/or other local requirements. <br />• Climate Adaptation and Resilience. Support efforts to adapt to sea-level rise, including <br />vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies, wetlands restoration, bioswales and other <br />green infrastructure, levee construction, or other similar structural resilience measures. Support <br />efforts to address extreme heat, wildfire and drought, including communication or provisions to <br />community partners, and education. Support prioritization of frontline communities in planning <br />and implementation of adaptation strategies, and efforts towards a just transition, including <br />practicing community-led governance and decision-making. Support holistic frameworks that look <br />at interconnected problems. <br />• Climate Change Mitigation. Support action on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions <br />to assist in meeting adopted State, regional or local goals to address the ongoing climate <br />emergency, including via an equity lens. Support legislation to remove regulatory barriers and <br />provide financial support for electrification of buildings and natural gas or other infrastructure that <br />reduces emissions. Support policies and legislation that tie job centers, transit, and affordable <br />housing together to reduce commute times and potential displacement of frontline communities. <br />• Community Choice Aggregation and Clean/Renewable Energy. Support efforts to secure <br />funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including, but not limited to: clean energy, energy <br />efficiency improvements, and electric vehicle infrastructure. Support the success of Ava <br />Community Energy (formerly known as East Bay Community Energy Authority), including efforts <br />to create public/private partnerships, incentives, and investment in clean energy and battery <br />storage. <br />• Creek Walk, East Bay Greenway, and other Bicycle/pedestrian projects. Support legislation, <br />regulations, and budget proposals that would provide funding opportunities or other support for <br />the development of greenway projects, bicycle and pedestrian projects, and other modes of active <br />transportation. <br />• Dredging. Support efforts to identify funding for the dredging of recreational marinas, or efforts <br />that support navigation transportation improvements, including local ferry service. <br />• Earthquake Preparedness. Support increased funding for “brace and bolt” and seismic retrofit <br />projects in private residences and commercial structures, including funding to mitigate unsafe <br />“soft story” construction. Support efforts that would expand access to earthquake insurance. <br />• Greenhouse Reduction Fund. Support the active implementation of Greenhouse Gas <br />Emissions disclosures and the cap-and-trade program to fund programs for energy and waste <br />reduction, renewable energy, and battery storage.