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SAN LEANDRO GENERAL PLAN <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />parking demand. Parking requirements should reflect <br />the City's goal of reducing vehicle miles traveled. <br />Action T-1.7.A: Parking Reductions <br />Allow reduced parking requirements where specific conditions <br />are met. These conditions should include transportation <br />demand management measures, such as shuttle buses to BART <br />and other destinations, carpooling and vanpooling programs, <br />shared parking, provision of shared cars or bicycles, and bicycle <br />storage facilities. <br />Action T-1.7.B: Downtown Parking Management Plan <br />Implementation <br />Implement the recommendations of the 2016 Downtown <br />Parking Management Plan. In areas of highest parking <br />demand, strategies should be implemented to more efficiently <br />manage employee and customer parking, as well as parking for <br />nearby destinations such as BART. <br />Policy T-1.8 Shared Parking. Promote the concept of parking areas <br />which are “shared” by multiple uses with different peak <br />demand periods as a means of reducing the total amount <br />of parking which must be provided. <br />Policy T-1.9 Impacts of Transportation Facilities. Work with public <br />and private agencies to reduce the negative impacts <br />(noise, vibrations, fumes, etc.) of major transportation <br />facilities and transit vehicles on adjacent land uses. <br />Policy T-1.10 Reduced Trip Generation. Encourage local employers to <br />develop programs that promote ridesharing, flextime and <br />telecommuting, bicycle use, and other modes of <br />transportation that reduce the number and distance of <br />vehicle trips generated. <br />Policy T-1.11 Impacts of Demographic Change. Incorporate <br />demographic trends and forecasts into transportation <br />planning, particularly the projected increase in the senior <br />population and the potential for higher rates of vehicle <br />ownership in larger households.