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File Number: 23-606 <br />Planning and Research (OPR) to amend the CEQA Guidelines to better align transportation <br />impact criteria with State environmental, economic, and public health goals. SB 743 allows cities <br />to continue to use LOS within the local development review process to inform site access and <br />traffic operations decisions but does not allow LOS to be used to evaluate CEQA impacts or <br />mitigations. <br />The City of San Leandro implemented SB 743 locally by shifting to VMT based on transportation <br />analysis for CEQA documentation after July 1, 2020. The 2035 General Plan Transportation <br />Element envisioned the transition from LOS to VMT. The proposed General Plan Text <br />Amendments would formalize the replacement of LOS with VMT as the criteria to be used for <br />transportation analysis under CEQA. <br />Analysis <br />Proposed General Plan Amendments <br />Staff recommends text amendments to the General Plan Transportation Element, as shown in <br />Attachment B, to serve the following purposes: <br />•Memorialize the switch from LOS based analysis to VMT based analysis. <br />•Direct staff to develop, maintain and periodically update administrative guidelines to <br />support VMT based transportation impact analysis including thresholds of significance, <br />project screening criteria, and standardized mitigation. The administrative guidelines <br />would consist of the information contained in Attachment C. <br />•Support the use of LOS outside of CEQA to address a project’s effect on traffic operations <br />at nearby intersections, access, circulation and congestion. <br />The proposed amendments are described below: <br />•Action T 1.3.B: Revised to allow staff to require a Local Transportation Impact Analysis <br />(LTIA) based on LOS for development projects that may potentially affect access, <br />circulation and congestion . <br />•Policy T 5.2: Revised to identify VMT as the metric for evaluating transportation impacts in <br />CEQA documents. <br />•Action T 5.2.A: Added to direct staff to develop, maintain and periodically update local <br />administrative guidelines supporting VMT based transportation impact analysis. <br />•Action T 5.2.B: Revised to clarify that LOS will no longer be used for evaluating and <br />mitigating transportation impacts. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan Policies listed in Attachment D. <br />Environmental Review <br />The proposed text amendments are exempt from the requirements of the California <br />Environmental Quality Act in accordance with, each on a separate and independent basis, CEQA <br />Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because the text amendments do not have the potential to cause <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/23/2024