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File Number: 23-606 <br />a significant effect on the environment and CEQA Guidelines Section 15268(a) because the <br />proposed amendments are ministerial actions that are exempt from CEQA. <br />Planning Commission Review and Actions <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposal on January 4, 2024 . The <br />Commission asked various questions, and staff clarified that: 1) the City of San Leandro has <br />been in compliance with the requirements of SB 743 since it went into effect in 2020; 2) the <br />proposed amendments memorialize and standardize staff’s current transportation analysis <br />practices; 3) the City’s LOS goals vary based on location; there are locations where slower traffic <br />is acceptable to facilitate a pedestrian-oriented environment; and 4) LOS-based analysis <br />currently has limited application in CEQA. There were no public speakers for the item. <br />Following questions and deliberation, the Planning Commission voted 6 -0-1 (Commissioner was <br />Rich absent) to recommend City Council approval with a slight modification to Policy T-1.3.B <br />clarifying that traffic associated with new development may be evaluated through a Local <br />Transportation Impact Analysis (LTIA) for potential effects on access, circulation and congestion. <br />This modification is reflected in Exhibit A and Attachment B. <br />Financial Impacts <br />There are no new fiscal impacts as a result of this resolution. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) <br />Attachment A: Resolution Adopting Text Amendments to the Transportation Element of <br />the General Plan to Replace Level of Service (LOS) with Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) as <br />the Criteria to be used for Transportation Analysis under the California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA), in Compliance with Senate Bill (SB) 743 and CEQA Guidelines <br />Section 15064.3. <br />Exhibit A: Amended Transportation Element (excerpted clean version) <br />Attachment B: Amended Transportation Element (excerpted redlined version) <br />Attachment C: Administrative Guidelines Memo <br />Attachment D: General Plan Policies <br />Attachment E: San Leandro VMT CC 20240118 <br />PREPARED BY: <br />Robin Chee, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department - Engineering <br />Wayland Li, Planning Manager, Community Development Department <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/23/2024