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File Number: 24-042 <br />multi-department staff team evaluated the proposals with input from BART staff and private <br />property owner stakeholders and selected the multi-disciplinary team led by Good City Company, <br />which possess the necessary quality, fitness, capacity, experience and expertise to provide the <br />services sought by the City. <br />The selected team has ample experience working on complicated TOD projects throughout the <br />Bay Area and several team members have worked directly with the City of San Leandro. The <br />team includes a comprehensive range of technical staff and subconsultants, including Good City <br />Company, ARUP, BKF, and EPS. <br />Scope of Work <br />The scope of work includes preparation of a Development Plan for the Bay Fair TOD, which <br />would: <br />·Establish an updated multi-modal circulation network of complete streets, developable <br />blocks, and green infrastructure and utility plans; <br />·Analyze parking needs at the district scale, including BART parking replacement, and <br />provide strategies to implement Travel Demand Management & Parking programs; <br />·Prepare a detailed development design plan and parcelization plan that will define future <br />blocks for development and prepare the BART TOD site for a competitive proposal <br />process; and <br />·Develop conceptual designs and cost estimates for key district-scale infrastructure <br />needed to remove major physical barriers in the plan area and catalyze the full <br />development potential of the Bay Fair TOD, including a new complete street crossing over <br />the Estudillo Canal and ADA access across the BART station. <br />The scope of work also includes preparation of Specific Plan Amendments to update the Bay <br />Fair TOD Specific Plan, General Plan, and Zoning Code to incorporate the detailed studies, <br />strategies, and development plans to ensure consistency across all policy documents and <br />provide for development streamlining. The Specific Plan Amendment scope includes <br />environmental review that will build from the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan EIR and 2023-2031 <br />Housing Element EIR to evaluate additional capacity that would result from the proposed <br />amendments, allowing for streamlined development project review. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The above grant-funded activities would advance General Plan Policy LU-8.10, which calls for <br />transforming the area around the Bay Fair BART station into a dynamic new transit-oriented <br />development area. They would also implement numerous policies and programs from the City’s <br />certified 2023-2031 Housing Element, including Action 8.1, which calls for continuing to <br />implement the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan and commits the City to working closely with BART to <br />find funds and resources to facilitate pre-development work. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This program will be cost neutral because grant funding will cover all expenses on a <br />reimbursement basis. This program requires an appropriation of funding in the FY2024 adopted <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/14/2024