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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XXX 1 <br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XXX <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONSULTING SERVICES <br />AGREEMENT WITH GOOD CITY COMPANY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.8 MILLION FOR THE <br />PREPARATION OF THE BAY FAIR TOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS, AND RELATED <br />ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT; AND TO APPROPRIATE $1,800,000 IN FUNDING FOR SAID AGREEMENT <br />(MTC PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREA GRANT FUNDED) <br />WHEREAS, in May 2014, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (“MTC”) awarded the City of <br />San Leandro (the “City”) an MTC Priority Development Area (“PDA”) Planning Grant (“PDA Grant”) in the <br />amount of $440,000 to prepare the Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (“TOD”) Specific Plan (“Specific <br />Plan”); and <br />WHEREAS, the PDA Program is a voluntary partnership between local governments, MTC and the <br />Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) to nominate areas served by transit that can accommodate <br />future housing, jobs, and community amenities and provide a dedicated share of regional funding for local <br />planning and capital improvements in PDAs; and <br />WHEREAS, on February 20, 2018, the City Council adopted the Specific Plan after a broad-based <br />community engagement effort to establish a vision and development framework for the area’s future as a <br />mixed-use TOD; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2018, the City of San Leandro established the Bay Fair TOD PDA; and <br />WHEREAS, the Bay Fair TOD Specific Plan Area (“Specific Plan Area”) encompasses 154 acres generally <br />bound by East 14th Street to the northeast, Hesperian Boulevard to the west, and the border between the City <br />and unincorporated Alameda County to the south and southwest; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan implements the City’s General Plan, which identifies the Specific Plan Area <br />as one of the City’s most significant areas of potential change, and envisions the area as a dynamic, walkable, <br />transit-oriented area with a mix of uses; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2020, the City Council adopted Specific Plan amendments, and in 2021, Adopted Zoning <br />Code Chapter 2.10, Bay Fair Transit-Oriented Development (B-TOD) District, to implement the Specific Plan <br />and identify the standards for development within the Specific Plan Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Specific Plan and Zoning Code enable the development of a mixed-use urban village <br />that supports housing, retail, office, entertainment, and civic uses with safe pedestrian and bicycle <br />connections to public transit, services and employers; and <br />WHEREAS, the State, regional, and local policy frameworks have evolved significantly since the Specific <br />Plan and B-TOD Zoning were adopted and key sites in the Specific Plan Area have changed ownership; and DRAFT