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File Number: 24-041 <br />for each qualifying Prohousing policy. <br />Jurisdictions designated as Prohousing are awarded additional points or preference in the <br />scoring of other program applications, which may result in receiving additional funds from eligible <br />State programs, including, the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, <br />Transformative Climate Communities, and the Infill Incentive Grant Program. The Prohousing <br />Designation also qualifies jurisdictions to apply for Prohousing Incentive Pilot Program funds. <br />The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) began accepting <br />Prohousing applications on June 30, 2021, and as of February 5, 2024, 37 cities have received <br />the Prohousing designation, with Emeryville and Oakland being the only cities in Alameda <br />County. <br />Jurisdictions wishing to apply for the Prohousing Designation Program must complete and submit <br />an application to HCD and provide documentation of its policies, and before Prohousing <br />Designation is granted, must adopt and submit a resolution authorizing application to the <br />Program. HCD provides a template resolution from which jurisdictions may base their resolution. <br />Staff has included a draft resolution as Attachment A. <br />Analysis <br />To receive a Prohousing Designation, a jurisdiction must receive a minimum of 30 points. Both <br />existing and proposed policies are eligible to receive points. Staff has conducted a preliminary <br />assessment of existing policies and those proposed in the approved Housing Element. The City <br />of San Leandro is likely to receive 32 points under the four Prohousing categories with nine <br />Enhancement Factor points. Attachment B shows the projected points in each category. <br />On December 5, 2022, the City Council adopted the 2023-2031 San Leandro Housing Element <br />Update which was subsequently certified by the Department of Housing and Community <br />Development (HCD) on February 2, 2023. The certified Housing Element contains many <br />programs and goals that align with the Prohousing local policies necessary to achieve the <br />Prohousing Designation. These policies may include, but are not limited to the following: <br />·Provision of local financial incentives for housing, including, but not limited to, establishing a <br />local housing trust fund. <br />·Reduction of parking requirements for sites that are zoned for residential development. <br />·Adoption of zoning allowing for use by right for residential and mixed-use development. <br />·Zoning more sites for residential development or zoning sites at higher densities than is <br />required to accommodate the minimum existing regional housing need allocation for the <br />current housing element cycle. <br />·Adoption of accessory dwelling unit (ADU) ordinances or other mechanisms that reduce <br />barriers for property owners to create ADUs. <br />·Reduction of permit processing time. <br />·Creation of objective development standards. <br />·Reduction of development impact fees. <br />The draft scoring matrix for Prohousing Designation is included as Attachment B. Staff <br />recommends including existing policies as well as proposed policies that can be accomplished <br />within a two-year timeframe based on prior Council direction in the 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />and Housing and Homelessness Work Plan. Should any of the proposed policies not come to <br />fruition within the two-year period, staff would be required to amend the City’s Prohousing <br />application with HCD. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/14/2024