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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1664F9DA-1500-48F9-9995-F3A6966CA8EE <br />WALAMEDA <br />COUNTY <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />FIRST 5 ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />AND <br />141_1►141_1►11] 1.101113 4 Eel 1131TA W1 <br />February 1, 2024 — June 30, 2024 <br />MOU# PS-ECE-2324-270 <br />This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), dated as of February 1, 2024 (Effective Date), is entered <br />into by and between First 5 Alameda County (First 5) and San Leandro Public Library (SLPL), with <br />reference to the following facts and circumstances: <br />RECITALS <br />A. The California Children and Families First Act of 1998 (Proposition 10) created a program in the <br />state for the purposes of promoting, supporting, and improving the early development of <br />children from the prenatal stage to five years of age. The intent of this act is to enable counties <br />to create and implement an integrated, comprehensive and collaborative system of information <br />and services to enhance optimal early childhood development. <br />B. First 5 approved a Strategic Plan for a comprehensive system of early intervention services for <br />children birth to 5 years of age and families in Alameda County. A key component of the First 5 <br />Strategic Plan is the Quality Early Childhood Education Strategy, which builds the capacity of <br />providers and childcare sites through professional development to increase the quality of early <br />childhood education programs. (2022-2027 Strategic Plan, page 29). <br />C. First 5 is desirous of securing the provision of certain services and deliverables outside the scope <br />of First 5's ordinary business in furtherance of its Strategic Plan. SLPL is independently engaged <br />in the business of providing services similar to those described in this MOU and is willing and <br />able to perform duties and render services and deliverables, without supervision; and <br />D. The purpose of this MOU is to provide Quality Counts resources for Family, Friend and Neighbor <br />(FFN) caregivers by leveraging SLPL Storytimes and Dia de los Libros programming. Payments <br />under the terms of this MOU shall not exceed the total amount of $10,200.00 consistent with <br />the terms and conditions contained in this MOU. <br />