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DocuSign Envelope ID: 1664F9DA-1500-48F9-9995-F3A6966CA8EE <br />ACCORDINGLY, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby <br />acknowledged, First 5 and SLPL agree as follows: <br />PROGRAM DESCRIPTION <br />First 5 desires to leverage Library institutions who have previously participated in promising practices <br />quality improvement activities to serve as library branches in Quality Counts. Library branches provide <br />opportunities to reach family, friend and neighbor caregivers (FFN) with quality improvement activities <br />through enhanced Storytimes/playtimes. The goals of the Quality Counts library branches are to: <br />A. Increase Kindergarten Readiness opportunities for children not in licensed child care through <br />expanded engagement of parents/caregivers in home activities. <br />B. Increase children's access to developmental services. <br />C. Increase the use of best practices for early care and education at library institutions; and <br />D. Continue support of libraries to provide programming aimed at youngest patrons, birth to 5 <br />years old. <br />Il. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES <br />To achieve these goals, SLPL is committed to doing the following: <br />A. Host one (1) in -person Dia de los Libros (Dia) event by May 1, 2024 <br />i. Designate an SLPL staff person to organize Dia programming (events, book <br />distributions, etc) that support early literacy and resources in ways that honor and <br />embrace a young child's home language and culture. <br />ii. Appropriately publicize the Dia activity programming for families, incorporating First <br />5's name, logo, and role as sponsor. <br />iii. Purchase and distribute multilingual and/or non-English monolingual children's <br />books and/or programming activity materials to (1) expand the library's permanent <br />collection and/or (2) distribute books to the community. Document the <br />books/activity materials purchased and the distribution. <br />iv. Disseminate one (1) survey to participants at the Dia de los Libros event. <br />V. Submit photos/videos from the Dia programming with permission for First 5 to use <br />in communications. <br />B. Attendance by one (1) SLPL staff at two (2) First 5 Online Library Learning Communities <br />2023-24 First 5 Alameda County MOU <br />San Leandro Public Library <br />MOU #: PS-ECE-2324-270 <br />