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2 | P a g e <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />707.2 POLICY <br />It is the policy of the San Leandro Police Department that members of this department comply <br />with the provisions of Government Code § 7071 with respect to military equipment. <br /> <br />707.3 MILITARY EQUIPMENT COORDINATOR <br />The Chief of Police should designate a member of this department to act as the military equipment <br />coordinator. The responsibilities of the military equipment coordinator include but are not limited to: <br />(a) Acting as liaison to the governing body for matters related to the requirements of this <br />policy. <br />(b) Identifying department equipment that qualifies as military equipment in the current <br />possession of the Department, or the equipment the Department intends to acquire <br />that requires approval by the governing body. <br />(c) Conducting an inventory of all military equipment at least annually. <br />(d) Collaborating with any allied agency that may use military equipment within the <br />jurisdiction of the San Leandro Police Department (Government Code § 7071). <br />(e) Preparing for, scheduling, and coordinating the annual community engagement <br />meeting to include: <br />1. Publicizing the details of the meeting. <br />2. Preparing for public questions regarding the department's funding, acquisition, <br />and use of equipment. <br />(f) Preparing the annual military equipment report for submission to the Chief of Police <br />and ensuring that the report is made available on the department website (Government <br />Code § 7072). <br />(g) Establishing the procedure for a person to register a complaint or concern, or how that <br />person may submit a question about the use of a type of military equipment, and how <br />the Department will respond in a timely manner. <br /> <br />707.4 MILITARY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY <br />a) The following constitutes a list of qualifying equipment for the Department: <br />See attachment: Military Equipment Inventory 23 05 15.pdf <br />b) The following equipment is not authorized for use by the San <br />Leandro Police Department: <br />a. Tracked Armored Vehicles <br />b. Weaponized aircraft of any kind <br />c. Firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or greater <br />d. TASER Shockwave, microwave weapons and long-range <br />acoustic devices <br />c) Water Canons are authorized to be used for fire suppression purposes only.