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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 11 of 11 <br />advised to take measures to enforce the contract and rectify the situation. <br /> <br />9.0 ANTI-DISPLACEMENT POLICY <br />In the event that any residential displacement and relocation must take place in order to carry <br />out a project or activity, the City will ensure that an anti-displacement and relocation plan is <br />developed in connection with that project, as applicable per Federal regulations. The <br />relocation plan will be available to the public at the locations described in Section 4.0. The <br />Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan activities shall minimize the extent to <br />which very low-, low- and moderate- income people will be displaced as a result of any <br />proposed project. <br /> <br />In the event that any acquisition and relocation must take place in order to carry out a project <br />or activity, the City will also comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the U.S. <br />Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act, as amended. <br /> <br />10.0 ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES <br />Changes to any of the HUD planning documents identified in this Citizen Participation Plan that <br />do not meet the criteria for standard or substantial amendments and do not require citizen <br />participation are defined as administrative updates. Examples of administrative updates <br />include grammatical or structural edits that do not substantially change the scope or meaning <br />of activity; and changes in the coding or eligibility determination of a project that does not <br />change the scope, location, or beneficiaries. Administrative Updates may happen at any time <br />at the City of San Leandro’s staff discretion.