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___________________________________ <br />Citizen Participation Plan <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 4 of 11 <br /> Published advertisements in at least one newspaper of general circulation serving the San <br />Leandro residents <br /> Posted notices at buildings which provide access to the public, as listed in Section 4.0 <br /> Publication on the City’s website <br /> Distributing the notice to any person or organization on a contact list maintained by staff. <br />All interested parties may request listing on the contact list <br /> <br />The City may hold additional community meetings at neighborhood locations before preparing <br />the Five-Year Consolidated Plan. Notice of community meetings will be given in a manner <br />designed to maximize public participation, such as display ads in The San Leandro Times, <br />fliers in newspapers, postings in neighborhoods, e-mail notices, social media posts, <br />announcements to subsidized housing residents and public services participants, and <br />multilingual advertisements on the local television cable channel and the local radio station. <br /> <br />In the event of an unforeseen and unpreventable event that renders in-person public noticing, <br />outreach and/or gatherings impossible or inadvisable, such as but not limited to a disaster or <br />pandemic, public noticing and outreach will follow all reasonable abovementioned electronic <br />noticing. To the extent possible, this will include publication in a local newspaper, email <br />distribution lists, and publication on the City’s website. <br /> <br />4.0 PUBLIC ACCESS TO INFORMATION <br />As required by law, the City of San Leandro will provide the public reasonable and timely <br />access to information and records relating to the Consolidated Plan, the Annual Action Plans, <br />and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report. <br /> Copies of the documents will be available at: <br />o Housing Services Division, Community Development Department, City Hall, 835 <br />East 14th Street, 1st Floor, San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />o San Leandro City website, <br />Division <br /> <br /> Upon request, documents will be made available in a format accessible to persons with <br />disabilities. <br /> <br />5.0 PUBLIC MEETINGS AND HEARINGS <br /> <br />When preparing the City’s Consolidated Plan and or component Annual Action Plans, the City <br />will conduct at least two public hearings each year in order to obtain public comment and to <br />provide the public with the City funding allocation determinations. <br /> <br />Both public meetings and hearings will be held after a notice has been published in a local <br />newspaper, at least 10 calendar days prior to the date of the scheduled meeting. An agenda <br />for the meeting shall be posted 72-hours prior to the meeting. <br /> <br />Specifically, public hearings will be held in the evening at City Hall due to its central location, <br />convenient access, and physical accessibility. Hearings may be held during a scheduled City <br />Council, Board, or Commission meeting.