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File Number: 24-086 <br />Capital and Facilities Projects <br />Staff proposes appropriating $793,000 for various capital and facilities projects that have been <br />identified as high priority needs. These one-time funds will be moved to complete the projects <br />summarized below. <br />·Roof Replacements: $366,000 is proposed to complete replacement of roofs at Fire <br />Station 9, Fire Station 12, and the San Leandro History Museum. These roofs are being <br />replaced as part of regular asset maintenance with funding from the Facilities <br />Maintenance Fund, which does not have a sufficient balance to complete the work. The <br />proposed allocation will allow for completion of all three roof projects. <br />·Bonaire Park Well: $300,000 is proposed to restore a well servicing Bonaire Park. <br />Repair of the well will provide water to fulfill the irrigation demand of the park landscaping <br />and reduce existing water costs. <br />·Parking Garage Security Cameras: $50,000 is proposed to install security cameras in the <br />downtown parking garage. These cameras will be a crime prevention measure to improve <br />security for garage patrons. <br />·Public Works Security Gate: $77,000 is proposed to replace security gates at the Public <br />Works building. The existing gate is experiencing mechanical failure that requires frequent <br />repair. Additionally, there is no pedestrian egress option, as the gate will only open from <br />the weight of exiting vehicles. <br />Risk Management General Liability Fund <br />Staff proposes appropriating $469,738 to fund the City’s general liabilities cash assessment. <br />The City participates in the California Joint Powers Risk Management Authority (CJPRMA), a <br />joint powers agency administering a risk retention pool to provide excess general liability <br />coverage for its members. Since Fiscal Year 2018-2019, CJPRMA has experienced a steady <br />decline in its net position driven by an increase in claims coupled with higher verdicts and <br />settlements. This decline in net position necessitates an assessment to all members who <br />participated in CJPRMA’s liability program during deficit years. CJPRMA’s calculation of this <br />liabilities assessment for the City is $543,142. The City’s General Fund share of this amount is <br />$469,738. <br />Pension Trust Fund <br />Staff proposes appropriating and transferring $4,629,000 to the Pension Trust Fund. In <br />September 2015, the City Council adopted the Prioritizing Unfunded Liability Liquidation (PULL) <br />Plan, which affirmed a 5-year goal of setting aside an additional $5,000,000 toward reducing <br />unfunded liabilities. The PULL Plan calls for the City to direct up to 50 percent of all annual <br />General Fund carryover funds toward unfunded liabilities. In addition, the plan directs 50 percent <br />of all General Fund land sales toward PULL. In 2021, the City Council authorized establishing the <br />Section 115 Pension Trust Fund with PARS (managed by HighMark Capital Management). The <br />City’s objective is setting aside funds and accumulating investment earnings to buy down the <br />City’s unfunded pension liability. The City’s prior contributions to the Trust total $20,695,500. <br />The Net Pension Liability reported as of June 30, 2023, amounts to $240,900,000. Transferring <br />$4,629,000 to the Pension Trust further reduces outstanding Net Pension Liability by 1.3%. <br />Deficit Reduction <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/14/2024