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5E Consent
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3/22/2024 3:18:33 PM
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3/21/2024 5:44:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Redwood Public Law Agreement for Legal Services 20240318
\City Clerk\City Council\Agreements\2024
Reso 2024-020 Redwood Law Group
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AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF SAN LEANDRO AND REDWOOD PUBLIC <br />LAW <br />3 <br />The above definition of litigation does not preclude the City from assigning tort litigation to <br />attorneys from qualified panel firms selected by the City’s third party administrator in <br />consultation with the City Attorney and the City’s Risk Manager, nor affect the provisions of <br />section 4(h) regarding the potential to retain separate legal counsel for any legal assignment(s) <br />that would otherwise be performed by Redwood. All litigation and cost recovery shall be billed <br />separately pursuant to Sections 2B and 4 (b) and (c) below. <br />3. Independent Contractor <br />Redwood is engaged in an independent business and agrees to perform the services provided for <br />in this Agreement as an independent contractor and not as the agent, servant, or employee of the <br />City. Redwood shall be solely responsible for its own matters relating to payment of employees, <br />including compliance with social security, withholding and all other regulations governing such <br />matters. <br />4. Compensation. <br />a) For all legal services other than those described in Sections 4(b) and 4(c) of the <br />Agreement, the City will compensate Redwood in the amount of $295 per hour <br />during the remainder of fiscal year 2023-2024, and $295 per hour during fiscal <br />year 2024-2025 and fiscal year 2025-2026 for all attorney services whether by <br />Attorney (Richard D. Pio Roda, the City Attorney) or by other attorneys <br />associated with Redwood. City will compensate Redwood $155 per hour for all <br />paralegal services. <br />b) Attorney, through Redwood, shall be compensated between $395 and $505 per <br />hour for all litigation services (as defined in Section 2B of the Agreement) <br />provided by Attorney or by other attorneys associated with Redwood. These rates <br />are only applicable if the City selects Redwood to provide litigation services; the <br />City has the discretion to select any other qualified firm to provide litigation <br />services. <br />c) For all legal services for which the City is reimbursed by third parties, commonly <br />referred to as “Cost Recovery Work,” Redwood shall be compensated at between <br />$420 and $535 per hour depending on the experience level of the Redwood <br />attorney assigned to the project. <br />d) City shall separately reimburse Redwood for customary costs and disbursements, <br />including deposition and witness fees, expert and legal consultant costs, court <br />costs, telephone, photocopying, facsimile charges, computer research online fees <br />and messenger services. <br />e) Redwood shall keep a record of time spent on all matters in increments of one- <br />tenth (0.1) of an hour. Each task shall be distinctly and completely identified. The <br />billing entry must contain the name or initials of the individual performing the <br />task, the nature of the task, the date it was performed, and the length of time it <br />took. Redwood shall submit all invoices no later than the last day of the month <br />following the month in which services were performed and actual costs incurred. <br />f) During the term of this Agreement, the hourly rates set forth in 4(a) for legal <br />services will be adjusted each July 1, beginning July 1, 2026, by the April <br />percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the San Francisco- <br />Oakland-San Jose area no less than 1% and no greater than 3.5%. During the
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