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Please explain why you want to be appointed to the City Council: <br />Please list any previous City of San Leandro Board, Commission, or Committee on which you have <br />served: <br />Please list any community organizations to which you belong or have belonged: <br />Please provide any additional information you wish which covers your qualifications, interests, or <br />training related to this appointment: <br />I have sufficient time to devote to this responsibility and will attend the required meeting(s) if I am <br />appointed. I am also aware that this application is a public document. If appointed, I will file the <br />necessary disclosure documents as required under the Political Reform Act. <br />Signature Date <br />Please return your application in person or by mail to: <br />Office of the City Clerk <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />You may also submit your application by email to: <br />Applications will not be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on January 29, 2024. Postmarks not accepted. <br />I've been living in the city for 5yrs. and I considered it my home. I appreciate the city as if I grew <br />up here. Every summer for 4yrs. I traveled from Oakland to Mills College, participating in a <br />program given by Girls Inc. of Alameda County. Being part of that programguided me back to <br />Girls Inc. and I worked as one of the Sports Instructors for the same summer program I use to <br />attend. I'm for the community and the growth, health, and well being of it. <br />N/A. I was once a member of the B.C.C. <br />Girsl Inc. of Alameda County, which is a non-profit organization has a summer program that I <br />use to attend (4yrs.) in the 1990's. There main office was the Barbara Lee Center for Health <br />and Wellness before they moved locations to Downtown Oakland. <br />My degree is construction with a concentration on facilities management. I love to see growth <br />and development in the community.