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..Title <br />Stormwater Fee Report Presentation <br /> <br />..Staffreport <br />COUNCIL PRIORITY <br />• Fiscal Sustainability <br /> <br />BACKGROUND & SUMMARY <br /> <br />At the April 3, 2023 City Council meeting, staff provided an overview of Stormwater <br />operations, including the status of the Storm Water Fund, and the City Council directed <br />staff to proceed with the Proposition 218 voting process to update the fee to address the <br />annual budget shortfall. <br /> <br />The City retained the services of Schaaf & Wheeler to complete a Storm Drain Master <br />Plan (SDMP) to map the City’s storm drainage system, evaluate flood risks, recommend <br />actions and prioritize capital projects needed to maintain the stormwater system and <br />meet Clean Water regulations. The SDMP was presented to the Facilities and <br />Transportation Committee on February 7, 2024 and a link to the report is included as <br />Attachment B. The SDMP identified an approximately $4.8 million annual revenue need <br />to fund clean water, flood protection, and stormwater system operating and capital <br />improvement costs. <br /> <br />An option to generate $3.2 million to fund the very high and high priority capital <br />improvement projects was developed for Council consideration. While this option would <br />not provide full funding of the system’s needs, it would ensure that the highest priority <br />projects are handled. The City would likely need to consider another amendment to the <br />Fee in the next 5-10 years. At that time, additional system and climate adaptability <br />information currently not available could be considered. <br /> <br />The SDMP is the foundation of the Stormwater Fee Draft Report, included as <br />Attachment C, prepared by HF&H being presented to the Council this evening. The <br />Report provides an overview of the City’s storm drain system, outlines the funding <br />needs and the analysis performed to develop two rate structure options. <br /> <br />Staff is recommending the Council continue the Proposition 218 process to amend the <br />existing Stormwater Fee to increase revenue from approximately $1.1 million to $3.2 <br />million annually to fund the very-high and high priority capital improvement projects and <br />add an annual CPI adjustment. A summary of the impact to ratepayers follows: <br />