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W-Trans CSA Amnd1 20240328
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W-Trans CSA Amnd1 20240328
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EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />______________________________________________________________________________ <br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and 9/1/2023 <br />W-Trans for Citywide Engineering and Traffic Survey Page 2 of 3 <br />measuring devices will be used to measure the unimpeded speed of free-flowing vehicles. While taking <br />the speed measurements, traffic speeds will not be altered by law enforcement, the surveyor and <br />equipment, or any other means. The time of data collection will be scheduled to avoid the City’s Paving <br />and Street sealing projects so that the most accurate data is collected. The calibration certificates for any <br />radar guns to be used in the data collection effort will be submitted for the City’s records. <br />2.4 All machine counts, radar speed surveys and field observations will occur during October 2023. <br />2.5 Raw crash records for each roadway segment for at least the most recent 3-year period will be provided <br />by the City though their Crossroads database. <br />3.0 Evaluation <br />3.1 All pertinent information will be entered in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet form. W-Trans has developed <br />a form that provides detailed information regarding all the data that is utilized in determining appropriate <br />speed limits, including all the information required per the guidelines in the most recent edition of the <br />California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA-MUTCD), as well as other relevant information <br />such as adjacent speed limits (if different), sight distance issues, and other conditions “not readily <br />apparent” to drivers. A sample form from recent work for the City of San Carlos is provided in Appendix <br />B. <br />3.2 In accordance with the CVC and CA-MUTCD, speed limit recommendations will be based on speed <br />survey data and calculated required parameters such as average speed, critical speed, and pace speed. <br />Recommended speed limits will be established at the nearest 5-mph increment of the 85th percentile <br />speed of free-flowing traffic, except as indicated in the two options below: <br />1. The posted speed may be reduced by 5 mph from the nearest 5-mph increment of the 85th-percentile <br />speed, in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. See Standard below for documentation <br />requirements. <br />2. For cases in which the nearest 5-mph increment of the 85th-percentile speed would require a rounding <br />up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 mph increment below the 85th- <br />percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. Refer to CVC Section 21400(b). <br />2.6 Prior to initiating work on the draft report, a conference call will be initiated to discuss any recommended <br />changes from the existing speed limits and to obtain local insight which might affect the <br />recommendations. It would be at this point that segments would be re-surveyed, if desired, and the new <br />survey data inserted in the appropriate forms. <br />2.7 Summary sheets showing bi-directional machine traffic volume data, radar speed survey data and speed <br />limit recommendations will be provided to City staff review and approval. Sheets containing the raw count <br />and speed survey data will also be provided showing speed profile histograms and cumulative speed <br />profile curves for each speed survey zone. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BA6C6FBE-609E-4FB3-8091-23FE1499D375DocuSign Envelope ID: 84D8FA5C-E86B-4E86-AEA9-E911515C68C2
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