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RESOLUTION NO. 2024-030 2 <br />to the Fee would need to be considered in the next 5-10 years at which �me addi�onal system and climate adaptability <br />informa�on currently not available could be considered. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows: <br /> <br />Sec�on 1. Inten�on to Seek Approval of a Property Related Fee. The City intends to seek property owner <br />approval of a proposed amendment to the exis�ng Stormwater property related fee (“Stormwater Fee Amendment ”), <br />pursuant to Ar�cle XIII D, Sec�on 6 of the California Cons�tu�on. <br /> <br />Sec�on 2. Fee Study. HF&H Consultants LLC has prepared and submited to the City a Fee Report concerning the <br />proposed amendment to the Stormwater Fee. The Fee Report was made, filed with the City, and duly considered by the <br />City Council, and is hereby deemed sufficient and approved. The Fee Study shall stand as the Fee Study for all <br />subsequent proceedings under and pursuant to this Resolu�on. Reference is hereby made to the Fee Study for the <br />following: <br /> <br />(a) a descrip�on of the Services; <br /> <br />(b) the iden�fica�on of the parcels upon which the Stormwater Fee Amendment is proposed; <br /> <br />(c) the propor�onal cost of the Services atributable to each parcel type (i.e., land use category); <br /> <br />(d) the amount of the Fee proposed for each parcel land use category and size; and <br /> <br />(e) the basis upon which the amount of the proposed Fee was calculated. <br /> <br />Sec�on 3. Total Amount of Stormwater Fee Amendment. The amount of the proposed Stormwater Fee <br />Amendment, if approved, that would be collected in Fiscal Year 2024-2025 would be approximately $3.2 million. <br /> <br />Sec�on 4. Stormwater Capital Improvements and Services. The proposed Stormwater Fee Amendment will <br />provide funds for capital improvements, opera�ons, and maintenance ac�vi�es as outlined in the Fee Report, as well as <br />ac�vi�es to help the City comply with all state and federal clean water requirements under the Na�onal Pollutant <br />Discharge Elimina�on System permits issued by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. <br /> <br />Sec�on 5. Public Hearing. A no�ced public hearing shall be held before this Council at the City Council Chambers <br />at 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577, and is scheduled for May 20, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of <br />conduc�ng a hearing and to consider all protests of property owners regarding the proposed Stormwater Fee <br />Amendment and this Council’s determina�on whether the public interest, convenience, and necessity require the <br />Services. The date set forth above for the public hearing may be delayed without returning for addi�onal approval by the <br />Council, provided that such date is not less that forty-five (45) days a�er the mailing of the no�ce required and described <br />in Sec�on 6 below. <br /> <br />Sec�on 6. No�ce of Public Hearing. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a no�ce of the hearing ordered <br />hereof (“No�ce”) to be given in accordance with law by mailing and such No�ce shall be deemed to have been given <br />when so deposited in the mail. The No�ce shall be mailed to all record owners, who shall be those persons whose names <br />and addresses appear on the last equalized secured property tax assessment roll for the County of Alameda, or in the <br />case of any public en�ty, the representa�ve of such public en�ty at the address thereof known to the City Clerk. The <br />No�ce shall be mailed not less than forty-five (45) days before the date of the public hearing. <br />