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File Number: 24-109 <br />·Traffic Stops <br />o 1,429 <br />·Guns Seized <br />o 27 <br />·Known Sideshows Prevented <br />o 4 <br />Analysis <br />Existing California law makes it a crime to engage in a motor vehicle speed contest on a <br />highway, drive recklessly on a highway, drive recklessly in an off-street parking facility, or exhibit <br />speed on a highway. The California Vehicle Code allows a peace officer to arrest a person and <br />seize their motor vehicle if the peace officer determines that the person engaged in these <br />activities. Police can impound the vehicle for up to 30 days. <br />The proposed ordinance adds a new enforcement tool to the existing code by prohibiting the <br />promotion, preparation for, and participation in sideshows. The ordinance would allow the police <br />department to take action against the small number of individuals who are causing the largest and <br />most dangerous sideshow events. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />On October 26, 2023, the Department presented the draft ordinance to the City Council Rules <br />Committee. Feedback received from the Committee included requesting advice from the City <br />Attorney’s Office on the constitutionality of an ordinance and explore expanding a required notice <br />to disperse prior to enforcement. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney advised upon the draft ordinance to ensure that its language met constitutional <br />muster, including analysis for vagueness. The ordinance is substantially similar to ordinances <br />from other jurisdictions, especially in the definitions of promotion, preparation for and <br />participation in sideshows. The City retains broad enforcement discretion in the exercise of its <br />police power under the proposed ordinance. <br />Financial Impacts <br />There is no new fiscal impact as a result of this ordinance. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />A - Draft Sideshow Ordinance <br />B - Sideshow Presentation <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/28/2024