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File Number: 24-112 <br />Analysis <br />The IS/MND evaluated the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project and <br />determined that the Project would not result in any significant impacts with the incorporation of <br />mitigation measures. The mitigation measures are summarized in a Mitigation Monitoring and <br />Reporting Program (MMRP), integrated into the IS/MND, attached as Exhibit A. With the <br />incorporation of mitigation measures, potential impacts to Air Quality, Biological Resources, <br />Cultural Resources, and Hazards and Hazardous Materials would be reduced below a level of <br />significance. <br />The adoption of the MND is a CEQA requirement prior to approval and acquiring permits for the <br />project. <br />Previous Actions <br />October 15, 2018: Resolution No. 2018-130 of the City of San Leandro City Council to Accept <br />Grant Funds of $538,926 from the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority for San Leandro's <br />Treatment Wetland for Pollution Reduction, Habitat Enhancement, and Shoreline Resiliency <br />Project (Project No. RA-007). <br />October 7, 2019: Resolution No. 19-508 of the City of San Leandro City Council to Approve and <br />Authorize the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Services Agreement with Terraphase <br />Engineering, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $789,036 for Design and Permitting Services of a <br />New Treatment Wetland at the Water Pollution Control Plant; Authorize the City Manager to <br />Execute Contract Amendments Up to 20% (or $157,807) and an Appropriation of the Water <br />Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund Balance in the Amount of $501,917 for Fiscal Year <br />2019-2020. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br /> Policy EH-1.8 Sea Level Rise. Consider the effects of projected sea level rise in the design and <br />planning of all development, recreational improvements, and infrastructure along the San Leandro <br />shoreline. <br />o Action EH-1.8. A: Adaptation Plans. Develop long-term adaptation plans which minimize <br />the potential for coastal flooding on public and private properties near the San Leandro <br />Shoreline. Periodically evaluate the risk to homes, businesses, parks, and other features <br />and take steps to protect or fortify these areas to reduce damage potential. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration was circulated for a 30-day review and comment <br />period from February 23, 2024, to March 25, 2024, for public review and comments. Three public <br />agencies submitted comments. <br />Financial Impacts <br />Completion of environmental review pursuant to CEQA is a requirement for receiving grants for <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/28/2024