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Packet 20240415
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Last modified
4/19/2024 10:25:13 AM
Creation date
4/19/2024 10:23:23 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Reso 2024-033 FHWA grant
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Sheet No:11 of 12DAF No:UNIT QUANTITYUNIT PRICE COST UNIT QUANTITYUNIT PRICE COSTLS 1 40,500$ 40,500$ LS 1 112,740$ 112,740$ SY 450 10$ 4,500$ SY 900 10$ 9,000$ LF 80 20$ 1,600$ LF 125 20$ 2,500$ LF 70 40$ 2,800$ LF 122 40$ 4,880$ LF 65 25$ 1,625$ CY 110 70$ 7,700$ CY 220 70$ 15,400$ LF 0 -$ LF 357 300$ 107,100$ LF 0 -$ LF 613 120$ 73,560$ SF 0 -$ SF 1462 120$ 175,440$ CY 540 50$ 27,000$ CY 840 50$ 42,000$ CY 120 350$ 42,000$ CY 0 60$ -$ CY 20 40$ 800$ CY 0 -$ CY 1048 320$ 335,360$ CY 140 350$ 49,000$ CY 465 350$ 162,750$ LF 70 180$ 12,600$ LF 122 180$ 21,960$ SY 420 25$ 10,500$ SY -$ SY 420 6$ 2,520$ SF 0 -$ LF 145 50$ 7,250$ LF 0 -$ LF 80 40$ 3,200$ LF 0 -$ SF 585 25$ 14,625$ SF 0 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ TOTAL 227,420$ 1,063,490$ 25,000$ 949,680$ 924,680$ 836,070$ 1.11Concrete V-DitchREPAIR WITH BETTERMENTDescription: Site B reinstall failed rock slope protection Description: Site B Install approximately 138 feet of retaining wall, install taller rock slope protection with larger boulders to mee current design standardsMobilizationRock Slope Protection Class IIRemove and Salvage Rock Slope Protection24"Drilled Hole24" Cast-in-place Concrete Pile (Soldier Pile)Structural Concrete (Precast Concrete Lagging)ExcavationStructure BackfillRock Slope Protection Class VRemove 6' Chain Link Fence top of slopeHillside BackfillThe existing embankment has a history of failure. The repair installed 20 years ago failed. Similar failure is more likely with replacement in kind, jeopardizing structural support to two structures above. A more robust betterment repair, conforming to current design standards is the preferred long term option.TCECost to repair damage in the future (with betterment)Cost to repair damage in the future (without betterment)COSTBENEFIT / COST REMARKSBENEFITMinor repairs/maintenance. Monitoring and periodic clearing of V-ditch and storm drain over a 50 year (A Benefit-Cost Ratio of less than 1.00 doesn't necessarily mean automatic rejection. If the Benefit-Cost Ratio is less than 1.00, a justification should be provided in the REMARKS section (provide additional pages, if necessary.)Substantial Repairs 50% of existing repair failed at 20 years. Assume replace 100% at 20 intervals. Also includes periodic monitoring and installation of temporary plastic sheeting weighted with sandbagsU.S. Department of Transportation(Difference in future repair costs over equal life.)(Additional cost to repair the site as a result of adding the betterment.)Clearing and GrubbingRemove 4' Chain Link FenceRemove Concrete V-ditchLTP - SLN - 001-Betterment Justification Form (DAF)Federal Highway Department - California Division - Title 23 - Emergency ReliefITEMREPAIR IN-KINDHydroseedingInstall Chain Link FenceGeosynthetic Fabric when no RSPRepair keyway Drainage
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