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File Number: 24-145 <br />in the same period last year. Higher revenues were recorded for Engineering Services <br />(+$58,000). Lower revenues were recorded for Recreation -Day Camps (-$57,000) and <br />combined aquatic programs (-$46,000) with the temporary closure of the Family Aquatic <br />Center, while overall Recreation program revenue increased by $120,000. <br />·Interest & Property Income- (received 64% of the anticipated budget compared to <br />33% in 2022-2023). The 2023-2024 Interest & Property Income revenue budget is at the <br />2022-2023 level. Actual revenue at mid-year is $1,646,000, $796,000 higher than last <br />year. Interest Income revenue recorded in 2023-2024 is $1,224,000, compared to <br />$417,000 in 2022-2023. Higher revenue results from both a larger investment portfolio <br />and higher interest rates in 2023-2024. <br />·Intergovernmental- (received 77% of the anticipated budget compared to -6% in <br />2022-2023). Intergovernmental revenue recorded through December 31 amounts to <br />$642,000. The City received Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) <br />grant revenue ($238,000) from the Alameda County Health Care Services Department <br />related to operating expenses at local homeless shelters. Annual EMS Assessment <br />revenue recorded in 2023-2024 amounted to $397,000. <br />·License & Permits- (received 49% of anticipated budget compared to 61% in 2022- <br />2023). Building Permit revenues recorded through December 31 amount to $1,869,000. <br />Revenue in the same period last fiscal year was $2,325,000. This decrease in building <br />permit (Building, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing permits) revenue reflects the total <br />change in Licenses & Permit revenue. <br />·Others/Transfers- (received 838% of the anticipated budget compared to 83% in <br />2022-2023). Reimbursements revenue recorded at mid -year amounted to $2,556,000. <br />The California Department of Housing and Community Development reimbursed the City <br />through the Homekey effort for acquisition of the Nimitz Hotel property. <br />As reported in the attached Mid -Year Financial Report, all other taxes and revenue receipts are <br />relatively in line with budgeted revenues. <br />General Fund Expenditures <br />·General Fund, Total Expenditures- (38% of budget compared to 33% in 2022- <br />2023). Mid-year expenditures were $6,852,000, 38% of the budget of $150,775,000. <br />Expenditures by all departments remain less than one -half of their budget appropriation, <br />although all higher than at mid -year in 2022-2023 (except Police). Over the past five years, <br />an average of 40% of the annual budget appropriation has been expended by December <br />31. <br />Enterprise, Internal Service Funds, and Parking Fund <br />The City's business-type operations are made up of four Enterprise Funds. The Water Pollution <br />Control Plant Fund, the Environmental Services Fund, the Shoreline Enterprise Fund, and the <br />Storm Water Fund are City municipal operations designed to fully recover costs through user <br />fees. Internal Service Funds also operate as business activities, exclusively supporting the City's <br />internal operations. Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology, Insurance Services, and <br />Equipment Maintenance comprise the Internal Service Funds. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/19/2024