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2. Project Description <br />(horizontal to vertical) to flatter than 3:1. The inner slope of the dike maintains a ratio of approximately 3:1. <br />The dike is crowned with a paved access road on the east and south sides, and a gravel access road on the <br />north side. <br />The pond's construction dates back to around 1972. Historical aerial imagery suggests that the southern dike <br />was built sometime between 1946 and 1958. This dike underwent expansion during the basin's construction, <br />and a new dike was erected along the northern side. The necessary fill material for widening the existing <br />southern dike and constructing the new closure dike was obtained by excavating within the pond itself. The <br />pond is partitioned into three segments by two timber catwalks, as depicted in Figure 2-4, Existing Conditions. <br />The drawings indicate that the central section of the pond is deeper than its western and eastern ends. During <br />the pond's construction, inflow and outflow structures were constructed at the eastern and western extremities <br />of the pond. <br />Water levels within the ponds undergo seasonal fluctuations influenced by precipitation and evaporation. The <br />surface of the pond becomes visible at the conclusion of the dry summer season, just prior to the onset of <br />winter rains. Refer to Figures 2-5 to 2-8 for representative photos of existing conditions. <br />Figure 2.4. Southeast -facing aerial view of existing conditions at the Proposed Project site <br />San Leandro Treatment Wetland 2-3 February 2024 <br />IS/MND <br />