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4. Air conditioning condensate shall be directed to landscaped areas. <br />5. Landscaping shall be designed to minimize irrigation and runoff, <br />promote surface infiltration where appropriate, and minimize the use of <br />fertilizers and pesticides that can contribute to storm water pollution. <br />6. Where feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat <br />storm water runoff by incorporating elements that collect, detain, and <br />infiltrate runoff. In areas that provide detention of water, plants that are <br />tolerant of saturated soil conditions and prolonged exposure to water <br />shall be specified. <br />7. Plant materials selected shall be appropriate to site specific <br />characteristics such as soil type, topography, climate, amount and <br />timing of sunlight, prevailing winds, rainfall, air movement, patterns of <br />land use, ecological consistency and plant interactions to ensure <br />successful establishment. <br />8. Proper maintenance of landscaping, with minimal pesticide use, shall be <br />the responsibility of the property owner. <br />9. Irrigation shall be appropriate to the water requirements of the selected <br />plants. Irrigation system shall automatically adjust for weather <br />conditions. <br />10. Applicant shall select pest- and disease -resistant plants. <br />11. Applicant shall plant a diversity of species to prevent a potential pest <br />infestation from affecting the entire landscaping plan. <br />12. Applicant shall plant "insectary" plants in the landscaping to attract and <br />keep beneficial insects. <br />13. Storage areas containing non -hazardous liquids shall be covered by a <br />roof and drain to the sanitary sewer system, and be contained by berms, <br />dikes, liners, vaults or similar spill containment devices. <br />F. During construction, the following high standards for sanitation are required: <br />Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on <br />a minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, cans, <br />bottles, and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and shall <br />be regularly removed from the site. The improvement shall construct stabilized <br />gravel entrance per City Standard Detail Dwg No. 606. Inspections, conducted <br />as part of the regular construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure <br />compliance of the Applicant and contractors with this requirement. <br />G. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department for any work within public right-of-way. Contractors <br />Agreement to Conditions December 2, 2021 <br />PLN21-0003 Page 6 of 7 <br />