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H. PERA/HTTED USE <br />A. Scope of Work. This Administrative Review approval permits the establishment <br />of a General Day Care facility for 84 children within the existing building, parking <br />lot, and surrounding parallel parking (for passenger loading only) at the subject site. <br />The subject site is 2000 E 14th Street, also known as Assessor's Parcel Number <br />077-0571-043-02. <br />B. Hours of Operation. The General Day Care facility may operate from 7:00 a.m. <br />to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Modification to these hours shall requested <br />by the property owner and applicant in writing to the Zoning Enforcement Official, <br />who shall likewise provide a determination in writing. <br />C. Permits Required. The property owner and/or applicant shall obtain any and all <br />permits required, including but not limited to business licenses, building permits, <br />fire permits, and encroachment permits for any work in the right-of-way. <br />D. Business License. Prior to fmaling of the building permit for the tenant <br />improvement, the applicant shall provide proof to the Planning Division of a valid <br />City Business License for the General Day Care facility. <br />E. Valid State License. Upon issuance of a of a valid State license for the childcare <br />center, failure to maintain the license shall constitute discontinuance of the <br />Administrative Review approval. The applicant shall notify the City in writing <br />within 30 days of any change in licensure status with the California Department of <br />Social Services Community Care Licensing Division. <br />F. Lighting. Prior to issuance of the building permit for the tenant improvement, the <br />applicant shall include in the permit plan set details and specifications for any new <br />exterior lighting. Exterior lighting shall be low wattage, located and designed to be <br />fully shielded to cast light downward and not shine on adjacent properties; details <br />are subject to the approval of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />G. Loading & Unloading. Prior to issuance of the building permit for the tenant <br />improvement, the applicant shall include in the permit plans a Loading & <br />Unloading Plan (using a clean Proposed Site Plan as a base drawing) that includes: <br />Callouts pointing to the locations of directional signage that informs parents <br />where drop-off areas are and the drop-off hours, and to "be a good neighbor, <br />no honking", etc. Such signs shall be placed in strategic locations to and be <br />clear and aesthetically compatible with structures on -site. Include <br />dimensioned drawings of the signs. <br />2. Callouts pointing to each gate, stating the open gate hours. Vehicular gates <br />shall be open early enough to avoid vehicular back-ups on adjacent streets. <br />3. Drawings of vehicles queued in the loading area on Warren Ave, vehicles <br />queued on the subject site, vehicles entering from E 14t' St, and vehicles <br />exiting -on Warren Ave at the busiest time. <br />PLN22-0016 2000 E 14th Street July 14, 2022 <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Page 2 of 6 <br />