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EC Social Media Productions LLC Resilience Hubs CSA final
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City Council
EC Social Media Productions LLC Resilience Hubs CSA final
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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised 03/25/2024 <br />EC Social Media Productions LLC for Resilience Hubs Exhibit A – Page 1 of 2 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />San Leandro Resilience Hubs <br />Intent: Contractor will provide one-on-coaching, facialite training, and manage bi-monthly meetings for <br />the San Leandro Resilience Hubs. Contractor will create agendas, organize, and lead each Resilience <br />Hub Meeting. The proposed scope of work is to continue and maintain the mission of the San Leandro <br />Resilience Hubs. Building community resilience requires significant structural shifts to address the root <br />causes of climate change, as well as comprehensive place-based innovations that increase social <br />cohesion, localize food and energy systems, and advance democratic participation practices. Talia will <br />work to support each hub with community building, leadership development, relationship building, and <br />help with identifying potential grant funding. <br />Context and Goal: Equitable climate adaptation and resilience programs and policies uplift frontline <br />communities so that they do not simply “bounce back” to the unjust status quo after climate disasters strike <br />but are able to “bounce forward” as healthy, resilient and sustainable communities. Resilience Hubs are <br />community- serving facilities augmented to support residents & community members, coordinate & <br />exchange communication, distribute resources, and reduce carbon pollution while enhancing quality of life <br />year-round. <br />In support of the above project goals, Consultant Talia Benet will provide the following services <br />during the contract period of July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025: <br />∙ Relationship building : Contractor will provide guidance to each Hub acting as an advisor. By <br />cultivating open lines of communication, demonstrating transparency, and consistently delivering <br />on their mission, Hubs can build credibility, reinforcing their reputation within the community and <br />attracting more supporters. Contractor will help each Hub establish strong connections with <br />stakeholders, peer organizations, donors, grantmakers, volunteers, and San Leandro community <br />community members to ensure the growth, sustainability, and overall success of the Hub. At the <br />core of any successful local nonprofit organization or church lies trust and credibility. Building <br />relationships will allow each site to establish a solid foundation of trust with their stakeholders. <br />Trust inspires confidence and motivates individuals to support the Hub, both financially and <br />through their time and efforts. By cultivating open lines of communication, demonstrating <br />transparency, and consistently delivering on their mission, each site will build credibility, reinforcing <br />their reputation within the San Leandro community and attract more supporters. Contractor will <br />help each site create a strong support network, enabling them to expand their reach and impact. <br />∙ Training : During each Bi-Monthly Hub meeting, the Contractor will provide training based especially <br />on site needs. An evaluation will be conducted through a survey to capture the needs of each site. <br />Based on need, Contractor will facilitate training centered around best practices, data collection, <br />outreach, and volunteer recruitment. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 5EF39F6A-5C6F-4EA8-8602-6B9E58AC99A3
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