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NPSA AAA Tree Service 2024-25 - High Maintenance
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NPSA AAA Tree Service 2024-25 - High Maintenance
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<br />Non-Professional Services Agreement between May 15, 2024 <br />City of San Leandro and AAA Tree Service —Exhibit A Page 1 of 6 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br /> <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> <br />ACCESSIBILITY: The contractor shall be fully informed any peculiarities and limitations of the spaces <br />available for the performance of work under their contract. They shall exercise caution to determine that <br />all parts of their work are made quickly and easily accessible. <br />AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO: Subject to the power and authority of the City as <br />provided by law in their contract, the City shall in all cases determine the quantity, quality, and <br />acceptability of the work, materials and supplies for which payment is to be made under their contract. <br />The City shall decide questions that may arise relative to the fulfillment of the contract or the obligations <br />of the contractor hereunder. <br />BUSINESS LICENSE: If the scope of work under their proposal includes performing services or <br />installation on City property, the Contractor must have current City Business License. Additional <br />Information can be found online at: -License <br />CHANGES IN WORK: The City may, at any time work is in progress, by written order and without notice <br />to the sureties, make alterations in the terms of work as shown in the specifications, require the <br />performance of extra work, decrease the quantity of work, or make such other changes as the City may <br />find necessary or desirable. The contractor shall not claim forfeiture of contract by reasons of such <br />changes by the City. Changes in work and the amount of compensation to be paid to the contractor for <br />any extra work as so ordered shall be determined in accordance with the unit prices quoted. <br />COMMENCEMENT OF WORK: After the contract agreement has been executed by the City, a pre- <br />construction conference will be scheduled. The pre-construction conference will be held at the Public <br />Works Services Center between the City and the Contractor. The purpose of this meeting shall be to <br />discuss the scope of work, the plans and specifications, existing conditions, materials to be ordered, <br />equipment to be used, and all essential matters pertaining to the prosecution of, and satisfactory <br />completion of the project as required. The Contractor shall not begin work until a purchase order has <br />been issued and a project start date has been det ermined by both parties. <br />COMPLETION OF WORK: Beginning on the first working day from the determined project start date, the <br />contractor shall have 90 working days for the completion of work. Contractor shall notify the City in <br />writing when the work is ready for review. If deemed not ready for review, the contractor will be directed <br />to continue. If deemed ready for review, a punch list will be prepared and issued; contractor shall allow 10 <br />working days for punch list preparation and issuance. <br />All items on the punch list must be completed to the City’s satisfaction before the work will be considered <br />complete. When the City determines these items are resolved, and the work has been completed in <br />accordance with the Contract Documents, the City will accept the project and provide final payment. <br />CONTRACT INCORPORATION: The Non-Professional Services Agreement (NPSA) constitutes the <br />contract between the City and the Contractor. The parties shall not be bound by or be liable for any <br />statement, representation, promise, inducement or understanding of any kind or nature not set forth <br />herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of any of the terms or conditions of the contract shall <br />be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by both parties. <br />DAMAGE: The contractor shall be responsible for restoring or replacing any equipment, facilities, etc. so <br />damaged. The contractor shall immediately report to the City any damages to the premises resulting from <br />services performed under their contract. Failure or refusal to restore or replace such damaged property <br />will be a breach of their contract. <br />DAYS OF WORK. All work shall be done Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 <br />p.m. excluding designated City holidays, unless otherwise directed by a City official. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A433418C-F218-42DF-892A-6A085877FA21
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