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necessary, proposed changes and the justifications for such changes must be submitted <br />in writing by Grantee to California Humanities for approval before changes are <br />implemented. Change requests are considered on a case-by-case basis. Additional <br />information (e.g., update on specific Project activities, an itemized list of actual <br />expenditures to date, or revised timeline of Project activities) may be requested as <br />needed. <br />Significant changes include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />1)Change of the Grant Period. All Project activities and the commitment of grant funds <br />must occur within the period of support set out in this Agreement and grant award <br />letter. If Project cannot be completed on schedule, an extension may be requested <br />before the end of the original period of support. A revised Project timeline must be <br />submitted with an amendment request. <br />1)Change in Project Director and Other Key Personnel. If changes to the Project <br />director or other key professional personnel identified in the original proposal are <br />necessary, short biographies and contact information for new personnel must be <br />submitted with an amendment request. A change in the Project Director brings an <br />automatic suspension of the grant until the new director has been approved by <br />California Humanities. <br />2)Changes in Project Scope. The Project purpose and objectives must be consistent <br />with those outlined in the Library Innovation Lab guidelines. Any changes to the <br />approved Program Plan must be approved by California Humanities. <br />3)Budget Revisions. If changes to Grantee’s approved Project budget involve the <br />addition or deletion of budget items that represent more than 25% of the grant, or <br />budget revisions due to a significant change in Project scope, a revised Project budget <br />must be submitted with an amendment request. <br />4)Change in Grantee Organization/Fiscal Sponsor. If a change to grantee organization <br />is deemed necessary, Grantee must provide with an amendment request 1) a written <br />rationale for withdrawing from the Project, 2) written accounting from authorizing <br />official of Grantee of the disposition of all funds received and disbursed by Grantee, <br />and confirmation that all requirements of the Agreement to date have been met, and <br />3)a signed letter from the proposed grantee organization that attests to their <br />commitment to the terms of the Agreement and describes their role in the Project. <br />Once the above materials are submitted, written approval of the change in Grantee is <br />required from the Parties and the proposed grantee organization in the form of a <br />signed grant amendment before further action can be taken on the Project. <br />8.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SUPPORT <br />California Humanities requires public acknowledgment of the projects it supports, as <br />outlined in the terms and conditions below. <br />Prior to the production of materials for public information or use and/or any <br />public presentation of the grant-supported Project, Grantee agrees to provide such <br />materials to California Humanities for approval at least 10 working days in <br />advance. California Humanities will review the placement of logo and