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<br />Consulting Services Agreement between City of San Leandro and Last revised August 15, 2024 <br />Bartle Wells Associates for Sewer Fee Rate Study Page 6 of 6 <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> <br />Task A. Project Initiation & Data Collection <br />1. Project Team Orientation <br />To initiate our work, hold a meeting with City staff and others as appropriate, to accomplish the <br />following: <br /> Identify members of City staff, City Council, engineering consultants, and others who will <br />participate in the project. <br /> Determine the roles and responsibilities of all project participants. <br /> Identify other parties that may have a significant interest in the project, such as community <br />groups, business organizations, developers, and large customers. <br /> Establish project schedule and key milestone dates. <br /> Confirm the key goals and expectations of the project team. <br />BWA recommends holding the kickoff meeting after we have reviewed preliminary <br />information. This will enable the kickoff meeting to be more substantive and facilitate more <br />in-depth discussion of key issues and preliminary observations and potential alternatives. <br />2. Investigation and Data Collection <br />Assemble the information necessary to understand the City’s wastewater systems, finances, <br />customers and usage, rate and fee structures, capital improvement needs and alternatives, and <br />legal agreements. Assistance and cooperation of City staff will be needed to assemble the relevant <br />background information. The objectives of investigation and data collection are to develop a <br />complete understanding of the City’s utilities and finances, and to reach an agreement on basic <br />assumptions to be used in the study as well as key alternatives for evaluation. <br /> <br /> <br />Project kickoff meeting <br />Identification of project goals and objectives <br />Identification of key issues impacting the study <br />Project schedule and budget <br />Project team contact list <br />Summary of current and historical rates and finances <br />Phase 1 Deliverables Include: <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 1C386315-7640-416F-B286-F4A8443FDDE6