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<br />July 15, 2024 Page 12 City of San Leandro/ACI Franchise Agreement <br />for acceptability, are typically established by destinations for end use and shall be applicable to 421 <br />Reusable Materials delivered to the Reusable Materials Processing Facility. Contractor shall 422 <br />immediately notify the City to discuss alternative options for Reusable Materials if outlets for such 423 <br />Reusable Materials Collected cease to be readily available. 424 <br />4.5 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION 425 <br />Contractor shall Collect C&D Debris from all Customers that subscribe to its C&D Debris Collection services 426 <br />and Transport all Collected C&D Debris to the Designated C&D Processing Facility, as specified in Exhibit 427 <br />B. Contractor shall charge Customers for C&D Debris Collection services at City-approved Rates set 428 <br />pursuant to Article 8. 429 <br />A. C&D Recycling Requirements. Contractor shall comply with the following requirements. 430 <br />1. Comply with City’s C&D ordinances, regulations, and requirements. 431 <br />2. Collect Organic Materials separately from other C&D Debris and Transport the Organic 432 <br />Materials to the Designated Transfer Facility or the Designated Organic Materials Processing 433 <br />Facility. 434 <br />3. Comply with the data collection and recordkeeping requirements of CalRecycle and California 435 <br />Building Standards Code including Part 11 California Green Building Standards Code 436 <br />(CALGreen) requirements for the Processing and Recycling of C&D Debris including Organic 437 <br />Waste. Such information provided to the C&D Processor shall include but may not be limited 438 <br />to the project identification number, hauler name or identification or business license 439 <br />number, tare weight, net weight, type of materials delivered, container size, origin, and 440 <br />delivery date and time. 441 <br />4. Cooperate with efforts by City and the Designated C&D Processing Facility to comply with 442 <br />CALGreen requirements as provided in Item 3 above. Such cooperation may include 443 <br />complying with Designated C&D Processing Facility direction on where to dump loads, 444 <br />communicating Source Separation requirements and methods to Generators and assisting 445 <br />City with preparation and distribution of informational materials. Contractor shall provide 446 <br />technical assistance to C&D Customers to support maximum Diversion efforts at Customer 447 <br />sites and shall distribute educational materials, including information in bill inserts or 448 <br />newsletters, to all Customers informing them of City C&D diversion requirements, how to 449 <br />address diversion on site, and the need to submit Waste Management Plans (WMPs) to the 450 <br />City. 451 <br />4.6 SOLID WASTE 452 <br />Contractor shall offer and provide Solid Waste Collection services as described in Exhibit B. 453 <br />Contractor acknowledges that City is committed to Diverting materials from Disposal through the 454 <br />implementation of Source Reduction, reuse, Recycling, Composting, and other programs, and that City 455 <br />may implement new programs, with the involvement of the Contractor, subject to the provisions of 456 <br />Section 3.5, or without the Contractor (which would not be subject to the provisions of Section 3.5) that 457 <br />may impact the overall quantity or composition of Solid Waste to be Collected by Contractor. Contractor 458 <br />shall not be entitled to any compensation or other relief resulting from a decline in Solid Waste volumes 459 <br />or Tonnage or from a change in the composition of Solid Waste, other than pursuant to a Cost-Based Rate 460 <br />Adjustment or an extraordinary Rate adjustment under Section 8.3. 461 <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 908A450D-1F36-4C09-B8A4-C1D639B5A05A