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ORDINANCE NO. 2024-017 6 <br />The Building Official’s determination shall be final at the end of sixty (60) days unless a timely <br />appeal is filed as provided below. <br /> <br />b) Service of Notice and Order. The Notice and Order shall be in writing and may be given either by <br />personal delivery thereof to the owner or by deposit in the United States Mail in a sealed envelope, <br />postage prepaid, addressed to the owner of the property as shown on the last equalized <br />assessment roll of the county, or as known to the Building Official, as well as to the following, if <br />known or disclosed from official public records: the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or <br />other lien or encumbrance of record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of <br />any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the building or the land on which it is located. <br />The failure to serve any person required herein to receive service shall not invalidate any <br />proceeding hereunder as to any person duly served or relieve any such person from any duty or <br />obligation imposed by the provisions of this section. <br /> <br />7-5-1630 APPEAL OF NOTICE AND ORDER TO BUILDING OFFICIAL. <br /> <br />Any person entitled to service of notice under Section 7-5-1625 may request the Building Official to <br />reconsider a determination to include a building on the Inventory of Potentially Hazardous Soft-Story <br />Buildings by submitting information that the building’s ground floor is not soft, weak, or open as defined <br />by the applicable standard, that the building has been substantially reconstructed in accordance with <br />the 1982 or later Uniform Building Code. The appeal to the Building Official shall be filed within sixty (60) <br />days from the date of the service of such Notice and Order of the Building Official. The Building Official <br />shall provide a final decision in writing. Whenever a notice and order has been issued by the Building <br />Official and served as provided in Section 7-5-1625 and no appeal has been filed in accordance with <br />Section 7-5-1635, the notice and order shall be deemed final and conclusive. <br /> <br />7-5-1635 APPEAL OF DECISION OF BUILDING OFFICIAL. <br /> <br />a) The Board of Appeals created under Section 115 of the San Leandro Building Code shall hear and <br />decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the Building Official relative to the <br />application and interpretation of this Code. The Board shall function as described in said section <br />of the San Leandro Building Code. <br /> <br />b) Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the Building Official, in the manner stated in Section 7- <br />5-1630 herein, to include a building on the Inventory of Potentially Hazardous Soft-Story Buildings, <br />may appeal such decision by filing a written Application for Appeal Hearing with the Secretary of <br />the Board of Appeals, as within ten (10) days of service of the Building Official’s determination. <br /> <br />c) The fee for filing an appeal shall be established by resolution of the City Council. The appeal fee <br />shall be required at the time that the appeal is filed. Appeal forms shall not be accepted without <br />the appropriate appeal fee. <br /> <br />d) The written appeal shall contain the following information: <br /> <br />1. The specific identification of the subject property. <br />