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ORDINANCE NO. 2024-017 9 <br />2. Post in a conspicuous place within five (5) feet of each main entrance of the building, and <br />maintain until the building is removed from the Inventory of Potentially Soft-Story Buildings, a <br />clearly visible warning sign not less than 8” by 10” the following statement, with the first two <br />words printed in 50-point bold type and the remaining words in at least 30-point type: <br /> <br />“Earthquake Warning. This is a soft-story building with a soft, weak, or open front ground floor. <br />Occupants and Visitors may not be safe inside or near such buildings during an earthquake.” <br /> <br />3. Mail, within thirty (30) days of service, a copy of each tenant notification form in compliance <br />with this section and a completed proof of service addressed to: Building Official, Building & <br />Safety Department, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577. <br /> <br />b) Obligations of tenants to cooperate. Each tenant of a building on the Inventory of Potentially <br />Hazardous Soft-Story Buildings shall cooperate with the owner and the owner’s agents, including but <br />not limited to engineers, contractors, and inspectors, to accomplish the required analysis. In so <br />doing, tenants shall allow reasonable access to the building and their unit or space as needed <br />and as permitted by California Civil Code Section 1954. <br /> <br />7-5-1660 REMOVAL OF BUILDING FROM THE INVENTORY. <br /> <br />A building shall be removed from the inventory under the following circumstances: <br /> <br />a) A determination by the Building Official that the building does not contain a Weak, Soft, or Open <br />Front Story and meets the applicable standards; or <br /> <br />b) The satisfactory completion of a seismic retrofit and appropriate inspections bringing the Soft, <br />Weak, or Open Front Story of the building up to the requirements of the applicable standards of <br />Appendix Chapter A4 of the 2022 CEBC; or <br /> <br />c) A determination by the Building Official or a decision on appeal that the building is not a building <br />with Soft, Weak, Or Open Front Stories; or <br /> <br />d) Lawful demolition of the building. <br /> <br />7-5-1665 COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE FOR SUBMITTAL OF SEISMIC ANALYSIS. <br /> <br />a) Deadlines. All owners of potentially hazardous soft-story buildings shall submit the required <br />analysis of structural seismic adequacy in accordance with this Chapter no later than eighteen <br />(18) months from notice by the City. <br /> <br />b) Acceleration of deadline. Notwithstanding subdivision(a) of this section, this deadline shall be <br />accelerated, and the owner shall submit the required analysis of structural seismic adequacy, <br />whenever any one or more of the following occurs: <br />