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EXHIBIT C <br />Bioretention Area Maintenance Plan Date of Inspection: <br />Property Address: 2002 Davis Street San Leandro CA Treatment Measure No.: <br />II. Prohibitions <br />The use of pesticides and quick release fertilizers is strongly discouraged. For the purposes of <br />stormwater treatment measure maintenance and function, it is anticipated that non -chemical <br />controls (i.e., biological, physical, and cultural controls) will be adequate to address any pest <br />problems. Proper and timely maintenance, as described in this plan, should serve to reduce the <br />potential for pest establishment. <br />To avoid the need for pesticides or quick release fertilizers, follow the principles of integrated pest <br />management (IPM): <br />1. Employ non -chemical controls (biological, physical and cultural controls) before using <br />chemicals to treat a pest problem. <br />2. Prune plants properly and at the appropriate time of year. <br />3. Provide adequate irrigation for landscape plants. Do not over water. <br />4. Limit fertilizer use unless soil testing indicates a deficiency. Slow -release or organic <br />fertilizer is strongly preferred. Check with municipality for specific requirements and <br />prohibitions. <br />5. Pest control should avoid harming non -target organisms, or negatively affecting air and <br />water quality and public health. Apply chemical controls only when monitoring indicates <br />that preventative and non -chemical methods are not keeping pests below acceptable <br />levels. When pesticides are required, apply the least toxic and the least persistent <br />pesticide that will provide adequate pest control. Do not apply pesticides on a <br />prescheduled basis. <br />6. Sweep up spilled fertilizer and pesticides. Do not wash away or bury such spills. <br />7. Do not over apply pesticide. Spray only where the infestation exists. Follow the <br />manufacturer's instructions for mixing and applying materials. <br />8. Only licensed, trained pesticide applicators shall apply pesticides. <br />9. Apply pesticides at the appropriate time to maximize their effectiveness and minimize <br />the likelihood of discharging pesticides into runoff. With the exception of pre -emergent <br />pesticides, avoid application if rain is expected. <br />10. Unwanted/unused pesticides shall be disposed as hazardous waste. <br />Standing water shall not remain in the treatment measures for more than four days, to prevent <br />mosquito generation. Should any mosquito issues arise, contact the Alameda County Mosquito <br />Abatement District (ACMAD), as needed for assistance. In Albany, contact the Alameda County <br />Vector Control Services District (ACVCSD). Mosquito larvicides shall be applied only when <br />absolutely necessary, as indicated by the ACMAD or ACVCSD, and then only by a licensed <br />professional or contractor. Contact information for ACMAD and ACVCSD is provided below. <br />III. Vector Control Contacts <br />Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District Alameda County Vector Control Services District <br />23187 Connecticut St. 1131 Harbor Bay Parkway, Ste. 166 <br />Hayward, CA 94545 Alameda, CA 94502 <br />Phone: (510) 783-7747 Phone: (510) 567-6800 <br />IV. Inspections <br />The attached Bioretention Area Inspection and Maintenance Checklist shall be used to <br />conduct inspections, identify needed maintenance, and record maintenance that is <br />conducted. The, schedule of inspections is as follows: <br />• Before the wet season (in August so that corrections can be made by September 30); <br />• Monthly during the wet season (October through April); <br />• After the wet season (May). <br />Page 2 of 3 1 Revised 12/08/2020 <br />